on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Issue 122 PDF
Browse On Landscape on your Tablet, iPad or Desktop
Endframe: Coast People (1 of a series & book), by Ian Forsyth
Rob Knight talks about one of his favourite images
Subscribers 4×4 Portfolios
Colin Russell, Graham Cook, Kathryn Johnson & Stewart Gregory
Len ponders the importance of time in his photography….
The Unseen Photographer
Recording from the 2014 Meeting of Minds Conference
Birch Article – Call for Photos
You Photo in our Next Issue
Pre Conference Workshop
With Len Metcalf, Mark Littlejohn and Tim Parkin
13th to 18th November - 5 Days - £500
Michael Gibbs
Featured Photographer
Organising a Photo Laundry
Community Driven Pop Up Exhibitions
Going it Alone on Harris
Adam and Harvey talk about their trip to the Outer Hebridies
Towards a radical perspective
Abstract landscapes
Meeting of Minds Conference Update
Schedule, Day Tickets & Lightning Talks Launched

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Viewpoint Editor’s Letter editor@onlandscape.co.uk
Tim Parkin

Time, for the landscape photographer, is often the enemy. We never seem to spend enough time taking photos; there is never enough time to find the composition before the light disappears; it’s too early to get up; we got up too late; our readers say they frequently have problems finding time to read all the articles or books that they own. However, time is also our greatest friend. As time passes we tend to understand more, our preconceptions can be vanquished and our motivations more clearly understood.

My own time constraints (and geographical location) often preclude going out and taking pictures regularly but when I do I find I have still benefited from the time away because of my study of all parts of the photographic process. This Autumn we’ll be running the Meeting of Minds landscape photography conference and this week we’ve finalised our plans for a pre-conference workshop where Mark Littlejohn, Len Metcalf and I will be teaming up to offer the benefits of our experience (well - at least Mark’s and Len’s) to a handful of photographers. Autumn the highlight of many people’s photographic year and I can’t think of a better way to spend it than in the company of other photographers in Borrowdale, arguably England’s most magical valley.

So if you can make the time we’d love to have you join us and hopefully attend the photography conference afterwards.


Click here to download issue 122 (high quality, 140Mb)

Click here to download issue 122 (smaller download, 80Mb)

Tim Parkin

Content Issue One Hundred and Twenty Two

Issue 122 PDF

Time, for the landscape photographer, is often the enemy. We never seem to spend enough time taking photos; there is never enough time to find the composition before the light disappears; it’s too early to get up; we got up too late; our readers say they frequently have problems finding time to read all the articles or books that they own. more


Endframe: Coast People (1 of a series & book), by Ian Forsyth

The actual piece of work I have chosen is a northeast photographer, Ian Forsyth, from his longitudinal study ‘Coast People’. more


Subscribers 4×4 Portfolios

Our 4x4 feature is a set of four mini landscape photography portfolios from our subscribers: Colin Russell, Graham Cook, Kathryn Johnson & Stewart Gregory. more



Len ponders the importance of time in his photography. more


The Unseen Photographer

Joe Cornish talked at the Meeting of Minds Conference 2014. He talked about and shared some unseen work that is essentially personal. This work goes back a long way into by archive since he has been making such images since he first picked up a camera. more


Birch Article – Call for Photos

Just like our Heather article in a previous issue, we would like to include some of your best photographs of the Birch, either as part of the landscape, as a subject in its own right or as part of an abstract, detail or macro. more


Pre Conference Workshop

When I was talking to Len Metcalf about coming from Australia to talk at our conference in November, he expressed an interest in offering a small workshop the week before. As a full-time photography teacher (at the aptly named “Len’s School”), I pointed out that this was a bit of a busman’s holiday but Len was still keen to see if the Antipodean school of tuition would be of interest to a Limey audience. Knowing Len more


Michael Gibbs

Trees and woods are a perennial favourite for many photographers, offering plenty of scope for personal interpretations. Michael’s images hint at their mystery but also tease with paint like flecks of colour and light. more


Organising a Photo Laundry

Visually resembling the print-drying lines that were strung across traditional photo labs, it’s part community event, part print-exchange and part pop-up exhibition. more


Going it Alone on Harris

I was happy to return for the third time when Adam suggested the possibility of a trip, and I felt he would also be a kindred spirit when it came to searching out dereliction! more


Towards a radical perspective

This summer I headed back into the woods, this time, the Moroccan variety; a little scruffy, not too grand, small scale, motivated once again to employ the self-imposed rules of 30 years ago more


Meeting of Minds Conference Update

With three months to go, we are delighted to announce that we have over 120 people booked for the conference. So without further ado, please find the latest information on the schedule of speakers, day tickets (and discount code) and lightning talks. more

On Landscape is part of Landscape Media Limited , a company registered in England and Wales . Registered Number: 07120795. Registered Office: 1, Clarke Hall Farm, Aberford Road, WF1 4AL.