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Unromantic River Rhine

| Berlinghof 4x4 Portfolio 2

Further down the stream where I live, the landscape is completely different as the river enters the North German lowlands and the Lower Rhine region begins. The area is densely populated and the banks of the river are full of industrial compounds and settlements. more


The Art of the Print

| Excellence Of Light

Recently, I had the opportunity to participate in the Swedish Photography Championships, where I was thrilled to win in the Landscape/Nature category. The competition begins with a digital qualification and transitions to a print final. more

on landscape Join the conversation

    on The Art of the Print

    This was a really good insight in your meticulous work flow Bill. Thanks for sharing!

    - Krister Berg, 05:20 today

    on Exploring Sumi-E

    super article, Krister - interesting, erudite but digestible and of course the accompanying imagery is wonderful - really love your way of seeing and admire that you only photograph in black and white - I don’t think I could do that, though I’m sure it would be a good challenge ;) [...]

    - Lizzie Shepherd, 20:08 yesterday

    on The Big Move

    Cheers! I was channeling my inner Lizze with the reeds...

    - Mark Littlejohn, 09:26 15th Feb

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