on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Issue 192 PDF
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End frame: Torridonian Sandstone by Alex Nail
Richard Fox chooses one of his favourite images
Beyond Equivalence
Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one should create art
New solo exhibition
Graeme Green
Featured Photographer
Dingle Peninsula
Reflections on a photography trip
The Uninvited Guest
The voice that says “you can’t” when clearly you most certainly can
An Exhibition by The Society of Scottish Landscape Photographers
The heritage in our landscape

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Viewpoint Editor’s Letter editor@onlandscape.co.uk
Tim Parkin

I’ve been away with Charlotte for the last two weeks, travelling around the Lødingen, Hadsel and Vågan areas of Nordland, Norway. We were hosted by the very talented Trym Ivar Bergsmo and somehow he managed to arrange for the best autumn colour in a few decades and two weeks of low wind and sunshine (I do worry about the arcane sacrifices that he might have made!). It’s only our second foreign holiday since our honeymoon 16 years ago and Iceland was the other trip 5 years ago. It was quite something to see just how stunning a Scandinavian landscape can look as autumn moves towards winter. I’ll be writing more about our trip in the next issue of On Landscape and looking at how I perceive the similarities and differences between the Scottish and Scandinavian landscapes given the current conversations about rewilding, etc.

We also had a surprise meeting with Alister Benn and Oliver Wright whilst wandering some woodland during a day trip into Sweden; the world is a small place sometimes! It was doubly coincidental as we had been planning on asking Alister, Oliver and Trym to talk at next years Meeting of Minds conference - fortunately, they all said yes if schedules allow.

This means that the planning for the next conference is properly underway so if you are interested in attending, keep November 14th & 15th 2020 free in your diaries and subscribe to On Landscape for updates (we’ll give plenty of warning before announcing sales open).

Click here to download issue 192 (high quality, 101Mb)

Click here to download issue 192 (smaller download, 65Mb)

Tim Parkin

Content Issue One Hundred and Ninety Two

Issue 192 PDF

Click here to download issue 192 (high quality, 101Mb) Click here to download issue 192 (smaller download, 65Mb) more


End frame: Torridonian Sandstone by Alex Nail

For me, it represents the darker and more foreboding side of Scotland and perhaps one which I should embrace more when I encounter it, rather than just purely seeking those wow moment – just one reason I have moved up here. more


Beyond Equivalence

The Equivalent is one of those ideas that in practice grows by the efforts and accomplishments of the people who explore it. ~ Minor White more



The landscapes I capture on the remote Scottish Islands are a reflection of solo time in nature, being still and embracing quiet . more


Graeme Green

A great landscape photo should have some kind of emotional power and get a response from the person looking at it, rather than just being a representation of a location. more


Dingle Peninsula

My friends are passionate photographers, primarily landscapers, yet with differing photographic interests and different ways of seeing and making images. more


The Uninvited Guest

The guest we carry around with us is fear; fear of failure, of not fitting in, of not living up to our expectations, the vision of our perfect self, doubting ourselves, even when in our own minds we are clear as crystal. more



An exhibition by the Society of Scottish Landscape Photographers which consists entirely of black and white images, based on a mix of traditional landscapes and images with a more ‘creative’ edge. more



My latest project ‘Wiltshire,’ is fundamentally about the heritage in our landscape. Kept, lost or rediscovered, our landscape is brought into question more than ever before. more

On Landscape is part of Landscape Media Limited , a company registered in England and Wales . Registered Number: 07120795. Registered Office: 1, Clarke Hall Farm, Aberford Road, WF1 4AL.