Andrew Smith

Andrew Smith
I'm a semi-retired Management Consultant/Coach pursuing the perfect Life:Work imbalance. Photography, for me, is a love affair with the beauty that I encounter in the outdoors. My aim is to capture and hopefully evoke the magic that I experience in the places wherein I am lucky enough to spend the majority of my time..
I often find myself when I'm reviewing images saying things like "you know, that looks a bit like ...."
I'm sure that I'm not unique in this and, in my case, it probably betrays a life-long frustration at my inability to paint anything other than a skirting board.
However, these four images (amongst many others) struck me as being reminiscent of the work of some of the artists near to my heart, in this case Bonnard, Monet, Klimt and Kandisnky.
I would stress that this is entirely accidental and in no case did I consciously set out to emulate such masters.
Perhaps with more conscious consideration I could have done each of them more justice, but I like the accidental and spontanious nature of these.