on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers

Southbound – Photography of a Southern Landscape

Four Photographers Exhibit in Brighton

Tim Parkin

Tim Parkin

Amateur Photographer who plays with big cameras and film when in between digital photographs.

Flickr, Facebook, Twitter

A new exhibition of unique, award-winning landscape photography from the country’s south eastern corner, by Valda Bailey, David Baker, Terry Gibbins and Finn Hopson.

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The South Eastern counties of England are not necessarily the first places that spring to mind when considering landscape photography. They are often dismissed as being too small, too busy or just too ‘easy’. The work of each of these photographers challenges that view. Each has their own unique approach to capturing this landscape, and the resulting images reflect an intimate knowledge of places that others often pass by.

The show at Finn Hopson's gallery in Brighton in the West Pier Arches and is running until the 1st of May. You can find out more information here www.brightonphotography.com. Highly recommended.

We'll be paying a visit and will have more information and an interview with Finn Hopson in the next issue. Until then here's a summary of the photographer's involved and one of the works on show from each.


Valda Bailey is a Sussex-based photographer who is pushing the boundaries of what photography can be. She is drawn towards abstract renditions, using multiple exposures and camera movement to help simplify the detail in a scene. It is a way of working which is controllable but still has a great deal of unpredictability about it. She has been featured in various publications and exhibited most recently at the Mall Galleries in London.

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David Baker is a seascape and forest photographer based in Southampton and has exhibited around the country. In January 2013 he was named Outdoor Photographer of the Year 2012. His first book 'Seafever' - which concentrates on the power and energy of the sea - was published in December 2013. The project 'Ridge Trees' centres on the New Forest, Hampshire and is defined by dawn, mist and location.


Terry Gibbins lives in Kent. He studied photography and worked in a professional photo lab for 15 years. He is also a licensed London taxi driver and finds taking pictures in the tranquility of the landscape the perfect antidote to the hustle and bustle of London life. His ongoing project 'Southbound & Down' began in 2013, documenting the changing landscape surrounding a single tree on the South Downs.

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Finn Hopson lives in Brighton and has spent a lifetime on the South Downs. His ongoing project ‘Local’ makes use of simple compositions to capture the unique shapes, textures and light that typify the UK’s newest national park. He has exhibited around the city and has featured in several magazines as well as the first edition of landscape periodical ‘Land|Sea’. In 2014 he opened the Brighton Photography gallery.


On Landscape is part of Landscape Media Limited , a company registered in England and Wales . Registered Number: 07120795. Registered Office: 1, Clarke Hall Farm, Aberford Road, WF1 4AL.