on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers

Creative Lightroom Pt 5

More Local Adjustments - Graduated & Radial Filter

Tim Parkin

Tim Parkin

Amateur Photographer who plays with big cameras and film when in between digital photographs.

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Joe Cornish

Joe Cornish

Professional landscape photographer.


Welcome back to the Lightroom for Landscape series. After quite a hiatus we've filmed a further series of six episodes which we'll be releasing every month. We looked at the basics of graduated filters in a previous video and in this first episode Joe Cornish and I look at the graduated filter in more detail and introduce the radial filter. Along the way we look at start to finish processing on a couple of images and demonstrate 'modelling light' on a further image.

Lightroom has developed into a very powerful tool and despite a few shortcomings here and there (there are better raw processors for edge cases and colour could be better). I can safely say it is a firm fixture in the post processing arsenal for a majority of photographers. The techniques we use here can almost certainly be managed in different ways in alternative software packages though so don't despair if you don't use lightroom - this series is about post processing photographs, not a guide to how to press buttons!




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