The Panorama Module

Tim Parkin
Amateur Photographer who plays with big cameras and film when in between digital photographs.

Joe Cornish
Professional landscape photographer.
In this Lightroom installment we're taking a quick look at the panorama module. Our results in trying out this module have generally been OK but it isn't as robust as using Photoshop and as can be seen from these examples it can get things dramatically wrong. Then again so can a dedicated panorama app such as PTGUI - although the advantage in PTGUI is its flexibility and controllability. For most panoramas with good originals with decent overlap and lots of detail, Lightroom will do an excellent job with little user intervention and it will produce panoramas that have all the flexibility of a raw file (which is more than can be said for Photoshop).
Here are the components and final panoramas for the examples used in the video
Here's Joe's components from our Saltwick trip
And here's the vertical panorama generated in Lightroom
Here's one of Tim's panoramas from Myvatn, Iceland
And here's the resulting panorama generated by Photoshop (Lightroom failed by ignoring the central image)