on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers

Intimate Australia

Clayton Hairs

Clayton Hairs

Began life as a video journalist on the South African equivalent of 60 minutes. Began shooting stills in 2007 with my first DSLR. Awards at the Australian Professional Print Awards and NSW Professional Print Awards 2012-1017. Winner Fine Art Section Stark Awards 2016 . Honourable Mention in Spider (monotone) awards 2017.


Clayton Hairs landscape photographer 4x4

I like the idea of taking a 'straight' Landscape image and imbuing it with something more essential, also from the landscape from which I shot the wide shot. I do this using in-camera Multiple Exposure settings....sometimes they work (more often they don't) but its the idiosyncrasy and randomness that brings back to digital photography that which went before in the days of the darkroom - sudden, unadulterated joy....with little to no premeditations.

On Landscape is part of Landscape Media Limited , a company registered in England and Wales . Registered Number: 07120795. Registered Office: 1, Clarke Hall Farm, Aberford Road, WF1 4AL. Midge Specs, midge net glasses from the Highlands.