with Paula Pell-Johnson and Joe Cornish

Tim Parkin
Amateur Photographer who plays with big cameras and film when in between digital photographs.

Joe Cornish
Professional landscape photographer.
In the start of a hopefully regular series, we are taking advantage of the many passing photographers by bribing them into the house with tea and biscuits in return for a quick chat about photography. In the first edition, we're talking to Paula Pell-Johnson of Linhof Studio and our own Joe Cornish where we cover ground from megapixels to film and some of the new products that Paula is excited about in the coming months. One of these 'interesting' new products is the Hasselblad CFV II 50C.
As a drop-in back for old Hasselblad medium format cameras, it's a little bit interesting but once you introduce the tiny 907x body adapter which will take X1D lenses and with converters for Hasselblad mount (and via other converters to Mamiya, Bronica, LF lenses, large image circle 35mm lenses, etc) we have a system that is incredibly flexible. The final inclusion of an electronic shutter means you could mount it to a coconut and use it as an organic pinhole camera if you really wanted! It's the first really flexible MF back which should appear at a top-end DSLR price. We hope to get our hands on one in the coming months.
We should apologise for the slightly less than perfect sound. The recording was made last-minute via our Macbook microphone. Future instalments of "Passing Through" will hopefully sound a little better.
Are you passing through Glencoe in the coming weeks or months? Why not pop in for a cuppa tea and a catch up? We're looking for other stories from our community, whether it's talking about a trip, a project, some of your favourite images. Drop us a line and we will get in touch!