on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers

End frame: Seasonal Papyrophilia by Krista McCuish

Jane Simmonds chooses one of her favourite images

Jane Simmonds

Jane Simmonds

My photography mostly consists of colourful, semi-abstract images inspired by the natural word I see on my daily walks in the Forest of Dean or on my travels further afield. I am more interested in details and small scenes than the wider landscape and like to experiment with in-camera techniques such as ICM and multiple exposures to explore patterns, textures, shapes and colours.


As someone who needs solitude and time away from the noise and chaos of modern life, I spend as much time as possible wandering around my local woodlands and ponds, appreciating and observing the smaller details in nature, the shapes, patterns and colours that are all around me if I look carefully enough. Of course, I can appreciate the beauty of a dramatic “grand vista” too but it is the quieter, more intimate scenes which speak to me and inform my own creativity. I am also attracted to images which veer towards the abstract or are ambiguous in some way, making me question what it is I am seeing.

It’s almost an impossible task to just choose one image for this feature (something I’m sure everyone says when asked to contribute to End Frame) and has caused much soul searching. The image I eventually decided on is by the Canadian photographer and naturalist Krista McCuish (featured photographer in On Landscape in November 2018) and is one that has stayed with me since I first saw it earlier this year on social media.

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