on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers

Your favourite images

From 2022

Charlotte Parkin

Charlotte Parkin

Head of Marketing & Sub Editor for On Landscape. Dabble in digital photography, open water swimmer, cooking buff & yogi.

In our end of year issue, Joe Cornish wrote about his favourite images of 2022 and we also asked our subscribers to send in their favourite images from 2022.

We were overwhelmed by the response, with contributions from all corners of the world and almost 100 contributions. So in addition to David Ward's selection from 2022, we have a giant gallery from our subscribers below. Thank you so much for responding to our request, the images are amazing and we are so grateful for your support!

We've created an index of photographers at the top if you wish to find a particular photographer, they are sorted in alphabetical order by surname. Don't forget you can click on an image to see it larger if you wish.

Many thanks to you all and a Happy New Year from Tim, Charlotte, David and Michela.

Mikael Ackelman

First snow, Mikael Ackelman
It was the day of the first snow for the season. I really love the colours, tones and structures when snow falls on bare ground and always try to catch those moments.

Martin Addison

Untitled, Martin Addison
I have always loved photographing patterns in nature. Rock patterns, sand patterns, wood, clouds, trees, leaves and of course seaweed which is the subject of this photograph (in case you were wondering).I also take much pleasure in extending those patterns and transforming them into something else, through multiple exposure, ICM, kaleidoscopic effects and the like. In this case the patterns remain the same, but I have shifted the colours using Lightroom which has emphasised the beautiful textures in different ways.

David Ashcroft

Avenue of Pollarded Trees, David Ashcroft
Taken at National Trust Mottisfont, Hampshire, England

Jan Bainar

Untitled, Jan Bainar
Few days after reading Joe Cornish 's article about his favourite photos taken in 2022 I ventured out into the woods and hills of Carpathians mountains - the part of it that I have never visited before. I have found this steep rocky slope with tangled old oak trees which I have been shooting for almost 3 hours. This picture is the very last one, taken 20 minutes after sunset with 30 second exposure which blurs small branches moving in the wind. The tree somehow reminds me of this year that we are leaving behind. It was a year of many contrasts with our nice wedding in June and several beautiful travels without any Covid restrictions but with horrible geopolitical twists and turns occurring few hundred kilometres away from my home and this place.

Krister Berg

A quiet night by the sea, Krister Berg
I spend a lot of time in the archipelago of Stockholm. The barren islands and the sea has a lot to offer to the adventurous photographer.

Keith Beven

Peak of Le Besso in the Val de Zinal, Valais, Switzerland viewed from Cabane de Petit Mountet, Keith Beven
A narrow band of light was making its way up the rock face as the sunset, gradually turning more orange. This was taken just as it reached the base of the cloud surrounding the peak.

Robin Boothby

Badbury Hill Wood, Oxfordshire, Robin Boothby
Autumn seemed to be later this year, with some leaves clinging on into early December in my local beech wood. Add in the best fog conditions I can remember in a long, long time and this is the result.

Holger Broschek

Rowan Tree and Gorge, Snowdonia, Wales, Holger Broschek
I captured this photograph during a workshop with Simon Baxter in Snowdonia. We had been walking along the river with ever changing views for two or three hours, when we finally came to a bridge over the gorge, where the other photographers decided to take a rest before turning back. I arrived at the bridge a few minutes later and this composition immediately caught my eye. Since I made the photograph on my birthday, I consider it to be one of my favourite birthday presents ever.

Jim Bullard

The Stone Valley Trails, Jim Bullard
The Stone Valley Trails are just down the hill from my home. I hike and photograph there frequently. This vignette was on a smaller side stream.

Phil Castagneri

Red Rocks Park in winter, Phil Castagneri
This park west of Denver, Colorado is famous for its amphitheatre and the many artists who have performed there. Perhaps lesser known is the surrounding park and trails with views of interesting sandstone formations. While exploring the park, the winter light illuminating this tree at the bottom of a ravine caught my eye.

Alan Coligado

Dawn dreaming, Alan Coligado
On a recent trip to Turkey, I took the popular early morning hot air balloon ride in Cappadocia. Of the many photos that I took of that unforgettable experience, this is probably my favourite. I like its simplicity and dreamlike quality.

Melanie Collie

Waterloopbos, Netherlands. Reflection, Melanie Collie
Built in the early 1950's in Netherlands. Now open to wander and cycle on the trails through a forest dotted with hydrological models once used to study the behaviour of water. A fascinating piece of history.

Nigel Cooke

Untitled, Nigel Cooke
An image from our time spent travelling in the van down the Wild Atlantic Way in Ireland. Not of course you would know from the image. A few moments of late evening light as I walked along Keel Strand on Achill Island. No time to think about the more expansive vista instead, as is often the case, looking down towards my feet. Perhaps an image that will find its way into my long-running personal project - Along the Strand Line - or maybe it will forever remain just a moment in time.

Andrew Cooper

Winterton Dunes, Andrew Cooper
Taken late in the day using a Lensbaby velvet 56, selectively focusing on the grasses in the front. It was only when I transferred to Lightroom I realised how soft the grasses behind had gone.

Giovanni Corona

Interstellar Salt Plant: Majestic Moments, Giovanni Corona
I have always been fascinated by the salt pans of Sant'Antioco, a semi-abandoned place. I've always imagined it, at night, as if it were an abandoned lunar facility, a projection of humanity's future in a place far from our home, the Earth.  Inspired by the film "LUNE".

Phil Crean

A Corner of Paradise, Phil Crean
I'm always exploring new parts of the coast near where I live on Tenerife and found this tiny cove with it's lovely colour in the rocks hidden between a hotel and an old village. It captures some of the essence of the wonderful volcanic landscape on my doorstep.

Anthony S. Crouch

Autumn Sneffels Emergence, Mount Sneffels, Colorado, USA, Anthony S. Crouch
Landscape photography has taken me on a journey to seeand experience scenes that I only imagined visiting in the past. Thebeautiful colourful Aspens of Colorado dappled with the light from theclouded sky, alongside the awe inspiring Mount Sneffels, was one ofthose moments where you had to put the camera down and enjoy thepeaceful scene out folding in front of you.

Michael Cummins

Falling, Michael Cummins
Hanging branches of an old silver birch tree in heavy fog at Bolehill, Peak District. Taken in December 2022 on a short trip back to the UK from south-west Ireland.

Mike Curry

Head of a Woman II, Mike Curry
I was leading a workshop on my reflections work and as such don’t normally use my ‘big camera’. I wanted to show everyone the sort of feeling I was looking for so whipped out my iPhone and snapped this. I think both I and the students were shocked when I caught this image. Nothing done to this image apart from a bit of levels and contrast enhancement. Serendipitous or experience? Not sure I am the best to decide! This is a reflection of a crane at Canary Wharf in London if you were wondering!

Frank Dalemans

Ice Abstract, Frank Dalemans
The shapes and details of ice structures stimulate the imagination and never get boring.

Dan Dill

A dawn twilight view from Moon Overlook, Hanksville, Utah, Dan Dill
 The textures and colours are otherworldly.

Andre Donawa

Hills and Valleys, Andre Donawa
I always look forward to visiting this location. Even though it’s mostly known for its grand panoramic views there are some intimate hidden gems when you take a good look around. This is a reef I always visit when I’m in the area; around this time of year, the moss is exceptionally green.

Tom Dornig

Calm Beeches, Tom Dornig
I was out early that morning, I wanted to photograph something completely different. My expectations were not met. On my way back, I decided to stop and take a walk through the misty woods. What I saw were these beautiful beech trees, stood in the fog.

Stuart East

Winter River, Stuart East
One of my favourite spots on a river in Sussex. I've photographed it many times but never seen it quite this cold before. The reflections, light, hoar frost and sky all came together at the right moment.

Christopher Edwards

Rocks, Pebbles and Sand, Christopher Edwards
titled it 'Rocks, Pebbles and Sand' although the story behind the image was how I had to rush the shot before a playful dog came into the scene - potentially ruining it. Photographed on a bright early Spring day on the North Wales coast, the clear blue skies somewhat forced me to look for the more intimate or smaller scene on the beach. About to call it a day and head back to the car, I suddenly noticed this interesting group of rocks and pebbles. I was acutely conscious of the incoming four-legged friend from the corner of my eye: I literally had about sixty seconds or less to frame and take the shot before the scene was plastered in canine paw-prints and undoubtedly ruining the image I had in my mind!

Hank Erdmann

Copper Leaf, Hank Erdmann
“Copper Leaf” was imaged in a eddy of a small stream behind a log laying in the stream.  The foam was created from a small water cascade in the stream.  The copper colour of the leaf matched the colour of the fringes of the foam which is what caught my attention.

Oleg Ershov

Winter morning at Stokssnes, Oleg Ershov

Franka Gabler

Morning Frost, Eastern Sierra, Franka Gabler
Every year I photograph fall colour in the California Eastern Sierra. I often look for past-prime fall color locations, where most foliage has abscised from the branches, revealing graceful, slender aspen trunks. I was drawn to this small, isolated aspen grove standing strong amongst bluish-purple willow brush. A thin layer of frost gave the vegetation silvery color cast, and made aspen branches glow. The sparse remaining foliage reminded me of a decorated Christmas tree.

Christoph Geiss

Rainy backyard, Christoph Geiss
My family and I took a few trips this year which resulted in more spectacular landscapes than this one. Throughout the year, however, our small garden was a source of quiet relaxation and joy. So I am quite fond of this one.

Franz Gisin

Getting a head start on spring, Franz Gisin

Derrick Golland

Door and Fern, Derrick Golland
The Return. The door, once black, hangs loose. The brickwork, once white, is peeling. The fern fronds celebrate the return of nature.

Morris Gregory

Frosted Trees, Strensall Common, Morris Gregory
Strensall Common is a short walk from my home and is full of photographic potential which I try to capture in ever changing weather conditions. This November provided some early morning frost for a few days so I visited several of my favourite locations on the common to get some shots that complemented the ones I had taken earlier in the year. I like the subtle colours of this composition and the way the leaves on the small, stunted tree, are holding out against cold winter weather.

Stewart Gregory

Godrevy Sunset, Stewart Gregory
It may be a honeypot location but I have chosen this one as it is an image that came together in a few brief minutes between heavy rain squalls pushing through and at the end of a very uninspiring day.

Ruth Grindrod

Mist at Somerleyton, Ruth Grindrod
November mist stayed with us in Norfolk and Suffolk for one whole  day back in November, making it a perfect time to visit some nearby woodland.  The greys of the trees coupled with the last bit of autumn colour on the leaves were portrayed wonderfully in this diffused light.

Fabien Guittard

Forestry Contorsions, Auvergne, France, Fabien Guittard
Magic forest mood around Pavin Lake, the trees seem to be struggling to escape the approaching winter. Maybe it's the unusually mild climate for the season that makes them want to cool off in the lake.

Claude Hamel

Overflow, Claude Hamel
I witnessed the creation of a new stream as the normal water passage (to the left of the picture) got blocked by ice flowing over the waterfall after a warm winter spell. A few days later, all was frozen and snowed over. Being “ haunted by waters”, I can still hear it glide down the slope!

Kay Hathway

Season of the flood, Kay Hathway
Widespread floods in the east of Australia in 2022 blighted the year for many. The Barwon River is part of the biggest river system in this wide, usually brown, land. The River Red Gums have prospered here for centuries, and more. This tree, usually on the bank of the Barwon River, is very old, very beautiful and very graceful in its slow flowing bath of floodwater.

Sue Hawksworth

Textures, Elan Valley, Sue Hawksworth
I took this photo because I liked the variety of textures and the colours were helped by the fact it was a rainy day. It was taken in the Elan Valley which is a large landscape and I wanted to find an intimate landscape in all that space.

Robert Hech

Three Gull Feathers, Robert Hecht
Photographed at Agate Beach, Oregon. As I was working, two women with their dogs came by and asked, “Are you one of those researchers looking for scientific data?” I laughed and replied, “No, just an old photographer looking for beauty!

Estelle Slegers Helsen

Painting the sea, Seascape, Back of Keppoch, Arisaig, Highland, Scotland, Estelle Slegers Helsen
"Spending some time in Scotland the past year for a photography and history project, there was not much time to take “off-topic” pictures.One evening, staying at a campsite at Back of Keppoch, Arisaig, I took my tripod and camera late in the evening to catch some light"

Phil Hemsley

Alderley Edge golden hour, Phil Hemsley
Gorgeous autumnal golden-hour light, as rain clouds retreated, catching the Cheshire Plains, looking out from the wonderful Alderley Edge to the Pennines. I had visited it that day (finally) for the first time, a place imagined vividly whilst reading Alan Garner's Weirdstone Trilogy - in my childhood. My Great-grandma had lived beside it. a magical moment.

Bruce M. Herman

Pretty But Invasive, Bruce M. Herman
Vetch is a pretty but invasive species of wildflower common in South Central Alaska.  I made this photograph at a recovered landfill as part of a self-assigned project, "The landfill: on and adjacent.”  The photograph was made with a Nikon D800E converted to infrared (wavelengths > 720 nm) and then converted to B&W.

Marc Hermans

Winter Woodland, High Moors, Belgium, Marc Hermans
While I find it impossible to pick a favourite image, this one will always remind me of a beautiful day of photography on the High Moors in Belgium

Trevor Holman

Black River. The Tarkine wilderness, N/W Tasmania, Trevor Holman
I was able to get away in May to photograph a beautiful inland salt lake in Victoria & early this month went on a photographic journey to the north west corner of Tasmania to an area known as takayna/ the Tarkine. An area of almost 450,000 hectares it is the largest Australian (and the worlds second largest) temperate rainforest, a wilderness of beautiful rivers & streams, forests of myrtle, leatherwood and manferns.

Robin Hudson

Southern end of Spittal Beach, Robin Hudson
I made this image at the southern end of Spittal Beach. I was initially attracted by the orange/yellow rock which contrasted with the cool blue tones of the barnacles. After that it was a matter of finding a composition with the shells that worked.

Neil Jolly

The Portal, Neil Jolly
My favourite image of 2022 happened along in the last week of the year. We experienced a day of snowfall at moderate temperatures. As evening approached the skies cleared and the temperature began to drop. Ground fog formed as the evening went on and when the crescent moon rose I was treated to my first ever moon bow!

Michael Jones

Human Spirit, Michael Jones
Inside each of us is a "something extra," more than the sum of our parts: a magic spark, a fountain of creativity. A backlit grape leaf in fall captures this light within. Fall 2022 - Fresno California Grape Vines

Katherine Keates

After the Rains, Katherine Keates
Spring rains and thawing winter snow can leave the loop road into and around Cathedral Valley, a remote district in Utah’s Capitol Reef National Park, muddy and sometimes washed out. But, if the conditions are right and you are willing to hike a bit offroad into the valleys between the rounded Bentonite hills, you can find some of nature’s most interesting art right at your feet. The hills are made of silt, sand, volcanic ash, and bentonite displaying mounds of banded hues in shades of brownish-red, grayish-green, blue, and purple. This slippery mud that collects in the gullies, also produces a mosaic of colourful cracked textures once the rains subside and the thirsty earth drinks. And, as we all know, everyone loves to play in the mud.

Prashant Khapane

Untitled, Prashant Khapane
These birch trees caught my attention during this day-long walk in the local woodland. The fog just lingered all day. These trees reminded me of myself. I have been an immigrant in Europe for the past 20 years. Although I've managed to make great friends in Germany and the UK, assimilate and integrate culturally, as an immigrant people often tend to mix with folks from back home, make friends and strengthen bonds. Often criticised rightly or wrongly for the same. From where I was standing this group did remind me of my roots and the community. However, as I gave my perspective the wings I often should, I realised that this is an oak dominion and these birches are segregated. Human beings as species are part of Nature, after all.

J.A. Lamont

Reeds on a Newfoundland pond near dawn, J.A. Lamont
The silhouettes of the dried reeds (Eleocharis uniglumis) resemble hieroglyphics. Nature as always is meaningful yet ultimately inscrutable. 200mm, f16.

Bonnie Lampley

When Trees Dream, Bonnie Lampley
I don’t know if trees dream, but if they do, this is what I imagine it to be.  This tree is dreaming of lovely fall days along the Merced River in Yosemite Park.

Andy Latham

Black Bryony, Andy Latham
Black bryony foliage dies away and leaves strings of vibrant berries scattered in hedgerows and scrub. This image was taken hand-held on a compact camera in low light so is hardly an example of technical excellence but it represents the fun I've had this autumn photographing the abundance of berries in the Arnside-Silverdale AONB.

Harvey Lloyd-Thomas

M5 Viaduct, Gordano Valley, Harvey Lloyd-Thomas
An iPhone snap whilst out for a walk with friends; a walk that I'd last done many years ago as a child.

Adriana Benetti Longhini

Untitled, Adriana Benetti Longhini
The gorge of the “Orrido di Pré-Saint-Didier” ravine is situated in the Valle d'Aosta alpine area of northern Italy. A small path leads you to an ancient bridge over the Dora di Verney river, where there are two thermal springs originate. On the top of the small stone bridge water flows out at a temperature of 22 degrees, while a second source at 36 degrees feeds thermal springs and a spa.

Martin Longstaff

Our Roots, Martin Longstaff
‘Our Roots’ was taken on an uncharacteristically calm and warm, late afternoon last winter in the Cairngorms National Park. The roots and the trees, lit with a low, soft light, are undoubtedly the subject. But the reflection in the dark, still lochan and the winter grasses provide an essential supporting cast

Rob de Loë

Untitled, Rob de Loë
A thread of water flows over the edge of the Terra Cotta waterfall in southern Ontario during the dry summer of 2022. Millenia of flow have carved out a cave in the soft Queenston Shale stone under the hard cap of Dolomite.

Mark Luck

Early October, Hedley Hall Woods, Gateshead, Mark Luck
Its one of my favourite woodlands to photograph because of its mixture of new and older, established woods. On this occasion, the setting sun was filtering through the trees providing a warm glow and highlighting some of the detail of the leaves

Tony Martin

Untitled, Tony Martin
I feel a strong pull towards this image; in my mind's flight of fancy the main tree seems to float untethered, a feeling compounded by the ebb and flow of the sinuous limbs. The ethereal calmness is disturbed however by the unresolved darker limbs reaching in, purpose unknown.

Dave Mead

Setebos, Dave Mead
My favourite image of 2022 is 'Setebos', a three image stitch made in woodland away from the main paths in the Birks of Aberfeldy on a Ward/Cornish workshop in November. I included it in the final evenings 'show & tell' straight from the camera and Joe stitched it for me. It had worked better than I could have hoped for and the reaction of the other participants suggested it was special. I hope you like it too.

Ian Meades

Mt. Shuksan sleeps, Ian Meades
I was on an early autumn backpacking trip to Lake Ann in the North Cascade mountains of Washington State, catching an ideal weather window before the snow started in earnest. I woke in the middle of the night to an exquisite view of the west face of Mt. Shuksan, illuminated by a brilliant full moon. By far my most sublime experience of 2022, but also spiked with the subtle incense of distant wildfires that had been burning to the east.

Graham Meek

Llyn Coch and Cnicht, Graham Meek
A late summer's weekend camping trip to Snowdonia provided this view of Cnicht from above Llyn Coch just after sunrise.

Kieran Metcalfe

Mist on the Heather, Kieran Metcalfe
A truly surprising morning - the forecast was for clear skies and, being in the middle of August's heatwave, I certainly didn't expect there to be any moisture around for mist. It was an unexpected joy when high clouds and low mist caught some colour, setting off the purples of the heather. The lone birch sapling made for a pretty subject, which I framed in the crook of the hills.

Seshi Middela

Overshadowed, Seshi Middela
I just like the Turbine standing against the majestic mountains with forces of nature at play

Julia Moffett

Derwentwater Leaf Wave, Julia Moffett

Alfredo Mora

Snowball Fight, Alfredo Mora
As I was hiking around the Flatirons in Colorado, I heard thumping sounds nearby and then saw an "avalanche" of snow crashing down the ponderosa pine trees. I was fascinated by how the snow floated in the air dispersing in random order and interrupting the wonderful quietness of the forest. I observed the light filtering through the snow and trees. There was no way to predict where these huge snowballs (as I call them) would occur but I knew I wanted to capture this wonderful display of nature. Seeing the powdery snow falling in the forest made me smile. My imagination spins and I think that just maybe, the trees do have snowball fights when we are not looking.

Christophe Noel

Galician storm, Christophe Noel
This image was made in early January 2022 in the north of Spain. I drove to the seashore before sunrise, where 4 meters-high waves were crashing against the rocks. I spent more than 2 hours trying to capture the raging power of the sea and this is the best shot I got.

Gerard Oostermeijer

Coastal dunes of the Dutch Wadden Islands, Gerard Oostermeijer
My favourite landscape is the coastal dunes of the Dutch Wadden Islands. In this wilderness, dunes are being born, grow or are eroding or destroyed by the play of the elements.The dune structures, patterns and textures form excellent subjects for monochrome photography, so my two greatest passions meet and I am happiest here.

Annika Öhman

Untitled, Annika Öhman
This photo from Lofoten, that didn’t quite turn out as I had intended it to do, is one of the photos from that trip, that I am most pleased with. A bit of a mishap at first I made a double exposure by unintended  zooming while shooting. And it somehow intrigued me, so I made a few more attempts, zooming and moving the camera with a slow shutter. The light was a bit boring, so it was best in black and white conversion, I found.

Lorraine Parramore

Huisinis Dream, Lorraine Parramore
2022 was the year I stopped trying to please club photography judges and explore creative imagery. ICM can express the colours, shapes and moods of a place. For me, this image of island 'hills', sandy beach, and blue-green sea evokes memories of the Hebrides.

Matt Payne

Cold Desert Steel, Matt Payne
When the sun goes down, a whole new world emerges before our eyes and creates new opportunities for interesting photography. Here, sand dunes create depth, wonder, and scenic intrigue at blue hour, with sweeping lines and interesting textures providing compositional visual depth where light typically paves the way. Black magnetite, a heavier substance than sand, provides up front visual interest and an anchor to this cold desert landscape photograph taken in Death Valley National Park.

Geoff Pearman

The Uprising, Geoff Pearman
At the time when I created this image I was reading the book Uprising: Walking the Southern Alps of New Zealand. The story of an amazing series of treks undertaken by Nic Low as he retraced the routes the ancient Māori took as they criss-crossed the South Island. Here I was standing on a pass on the route between East and Central Otago. As I intentionally moved my camera during a long exposure and followed the ridge lines I had a strong sense of the land being thrust upwards as a result of geological activity.

Tim Pearson

Frosted, Tim Pearson
Woodland reveals itself slowly, over the seasons and years, and this constant state of slow flux means that capturing the essence of the place is a never ending but always rewarding challenge. This image is one of those rare occasions when I've felt close to understanding this very special corner of East Yorkshire.

Jason Pettit

Nexus, Jason Pettit
I wanted this image to depict my vision of the interconnectedness of the forest. Above ground the branches interlace with each other, under ground the roots mingle in a network of nutrient conduits. If one concentrates on this the perception of the forest shifts from a quiet inanimate thing, to a thronging entity of harmonious endeavor.

Lewis James Phillips

Temperate, Lewis James Phillips
Learning a new discipline, story telling about the environment, getting to know myself again.

Adam Pierzchala

Sunset at Rhossili, Adam Pierzchala
A standard eye-witness image, perhaps a cliché and certainly not a shot with great artistic merit. But, it’s from our first holiday with the children and grandchildren and it evokes memories of a beautiful evening and a joyous hush as we watched the sun go down. Hence its importance to me.

Paula Pink

Maelstrom, Paula Pink
I am particularly fascinated with rhythms and textures found in the natural world, and how to capture this photographically. "Maelstrom" is an exploration of form, shape, and pattern using ink and pigment in conjunction with light. The image is intended to be both abstract yet descriptive, evoking ideas of structure and chaos; calm and turbulence; beauty and destruction; endurance and impermanence

Paul Porter

Black Oaks in White Silk, Paul Porter
Rushing up to the Sierra for the potential visual opportunities presented of a big snowfall can be fraught with uncertainly and yet can be so rewarding as the snow in the lower elevations can be so transient. So I felt so grateful, standing in thigh deep snow, to experience wandering in the soft hushed beauty surrounding me and to call on some of my favorite Black Oaks displaying their white silk livery.

Abby Raeder

Be Dazzling, Abby Raeder
Look for the dazzling and wonder can't be far behind.

Julia Redl-Freigang

Lightshow in puddles, Julia Redl-Freigang
The last golden evening light is reflected in the small puddles. The discolouration of the leaves created the golden hue, which I admit I enhanced a little in post-processing.

Cesar Llaneza Rodriguez

Marine Treasure, Cesar Llaneza Rodriguez
I went out to do intimate landscape photography along the coast; that day I found a cluster of seaweed still wet; I set out to make an abstraction based on the combination of color and textures. I Use a cool white balance and light with a pocket led panel with a warm color temperature.

Raico Rosenberg

Untitled, Raico Rosenberg
The twisted and gnarly roots of an old Canarian pine tree (Pinus Canariensis) caught my attention on the roadside on the way to Teide volcano in Tenerife where I live. I simply love wandering around my natural surroundings with my Fuji X-T2 camera and seeing what visual delights serendipity brings me.

Maria Ruggieri

Rock Figures, Maria Ruggieri
The color and structure of this rock face evoke a cubist style of painting that invites the eye to explore the many figures hidden in plain sight. The way this rock broke is also reminiscent of the way a sculptor works to reveal its subject out of an amorphic surface. This artistic gift of nature demanded my full attention.

Herbert Schlatt

Wild Garlic, Herbert Schlatt
I was hesitant to submit, because I think this picture is nothing special when I compare it to the magazine content, However, to me it is, because when I am in this area I am feeling relaxed and excited at the same time.

David Southern

Deep Forest, David Southern
Standing at the furthest margins of a rocky shoreline at low tide can seem like being on the seabed. This is where I like to photograph the kelp forests that inhabit the cool waters off the Northumbrian coast. Watching the canopy of brown and gold fronds breaking the surface of the sea with each successive wave is both captivating and inspiring.

Peter Stevens

Lifebelt, Peter Stevens
This image was taken at Alnmouth. I came across the lifebelt and supporting wooden cross unexpectedly, and returned to the location three times before the conditions were right.I like it because it is visually attractive to me, but also because I had to work hard to achieve the composition. It took some time to juggle the focal length of the lens, the aperture, and my physical position to get the balance between the foreground lifebelt and grasses, and the beaches in the distant background. It was worth the effort.I had in mind that a black and white conversion would enhance the graphic nature of the image and this was confirmed once I got the file back home and onto the computer.

Dries Stevens

Skeleton tree, Dries Stevens

Michael Stirling-Aird

Autumn from Ben Alder, Michael Stirling-Aird
Some shapes in the composition appealed, but this is my favourite image because I was there with my wife and 3 children, including our 8 and 9 year olds (Ben Alder is not a short walk!)

Teddy Sugrue

Lough Leane, Killarney, Ireland, Teddy Sugrue
It was a very cold dull winter's day when I took this image but at times when the light broke through the clouds, it created a very dramatic scene.

Rita Swinford

Early Morning Congruence, Rita Swinford
I shouldn't have been alone, but the sun had promised to rise... the dunes are wonderful this early in Death Valley CA, I have been here before, but I never tire of the rhythm.

Alison Taylor

Branch Lines, Alison Taylor
It was the last afternoon of my week in Amble and although the tide was extremely high, forcing me into the sand dunes, I found this little branch resisting the sea which was hurling tree trunks and boulders about on the shore.The sun was setting and casting a lovely glow on the surface of the sea and the waves were roaring onto the beach. It was a wonderful way to end my week.

Chris Taylor

Tormented Beauty, Chris Taylor
This image was taken looking down from slippery rocks as the kelp swayed in the violent sea. Having smashed a camera body as I slipped in similar circumstances yesterday, I was torn between the beauty of the seductive hair in the water and the torment of the sea and rocks. If I could paint, this is what I would paint.

Kye Thompson

Sweet green and red, Kye Thompson
One of the interesting  discoveries was coming across the artist Valda Bailey Iand her way of working with multiple exposure. Though just beginning to experiment  I am delighted with how colour is emphasized. Like Valda I am avoiding the obvious and finding a new direction - brilliant beginning for 2023.

Gary Tucker

Untitled, Gary Tucker
French composer Olivier Messiaen was synaesthetic, and one passage in his “Quartet for the End of Time” features “cascades of blue-orange chords” for the piano. His evocative phrase came to my mind when I captured these lakeside reeds in a silent summer dawn."

Andy Turner

Garbat Forest mist, Andy Turner
Having climbed Ben Wyvis earlier in the day during a cloud inversion, the forest below was veiled in heavy mist on the descent. In late October, the trees were a riot of colour but in monochrome it creates a hint of a snowstorm.

David Wallace

Oak on the Water., David Wallace
The idea for this image came to me a few weeks prior while hiking in my favourite local park. The conditions weren't quite right yet as most of the leaves were floating on top of the pools of water along the Olentangy River outside Columbus, Ohio. When I returned 2 weeks later it was actually better than what I imagined it would be. These six leaves were floating atop the water while the rest had sunk below. A little bit of focus stacking and this was the final result. Some images work because the scene in front of you is such a universally agreed upon beautiful view that it seems like you could point your camera in any direction and something good would come from it. This is not one of those scenes. It’s nothing but a big “puddle” with leaves decaying. But that is exactly what I like about it and it’s what makes me so proud of this image.

Karin De Winter

Grey Matter, Karin De Winter
Abstract geology sedimentary rock pattern photographed on the Atlantic coast of Spain, 2022. I am very much intrigued by the wide diversity of lines, textures and patterns one can find in areas with sedimentary rocks, and try to depict them as small or tiny landscapes.

Gaby Zak

Untitled, Gaby Zak
Taking a peaceful walk in the woods and taking a moment with nature, I saw the sunlight shining through the trees, I just loved the way it hung in the air amongst the fog. I took this photo in Christmas Common, South Oxfordshire, on my Fujifilm x-t20.

On Landscape is part of Landscape Media Limited , a company registered in England and Wales . Registered Number: 07120795. Registered Office: 1, Clarke Hall Farm, Aberford Road, WF1 4AL.