About Mike Green

When making photographs, my inspiration lies in catching and interpreting those types of light which are less familiar. Currently, many of the images I am creating are when the sun is below the horizon, or thoroughly hidden by cloud, revealing the subtlety of colours inherent within water, rock and foliage. Having travelled widely, and been an active mountaineer on four continents, I am now keen to use my experience of the many forms of light I've seen to envisage and create photographs which capture the character of those wild landscapes, and I am using photography as a reason to revisit favourite countries and locations. I am based in the beautiful Yorkshire Dales, in the north of England. More of my work may be viewed on my portfolio ( http://www.mikegreenimages.co.uk/ ) or on my Flickr site ( http://www.flickr.com/seaofvapours/ ). I've also just started a blog, mostly as a diary of how I came to make certain images and general musings/thoughts on photography. ( http://mikegreenimages.wordpress.com/ ).

Anthropomorphism in Landscape Photography