on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Category Archives: 273
On Landscape Issue80

Issue 273

Click here to download issue 273 (high quality, 170Mb) Click here to download issue 273 (smaller download, 110Mb) more

No Smoke Without Fire | Joe Cornish

End Frame: No Smoke Without Fire by Joe Cornish

Starting with the broad elements, we seem to have a sort of paradise in the background, full of light, leaves, green, and ephemeral light and, seemingly, some sort of hell archetype in the front, scorched earth, scattered debris and all the evidence of the fire. more


Time To Wonder by Joe Cornish

As Joe has already mentioned in his own overview of the Fountains Abbey project, it wasn’t really his favourite subject matter. In fact, as far as landscape goes, you couldn’t get much further away from his love of mountains and wild places. But a challenging job like this is just why you need someone like Joe Cornish to get the very best out of a landscape such as this. more

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Minimalism in Infrared

The high contrast effects of monochrome infrared images can often be used quite effectively to augment the minimalist feel of landscape photographs. more

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Roger Fishman

So part of my intention is to elevate water as an art form. To increase and change the dialogue about water. Thus, by creating images of water as art, water can be seen and felt as something super special. more

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Jim Lamont – Portrait of a Photographer

There is a rich history of landscape photographers taking up the cause of climate change and natural resource protection through their work. more

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10 years as a Professional Landscape Photographer

The anniversary is a great time to look back at the past period. What has changed? And what will the future bring? Although I am under no illusion of being complete, I would like to mention some developments in landscape photography that stand out for me. more

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Greina Pass

The constantly changing climate has created a landscape that made me nostalgic for the mountainous areas of the UK. At certain points in the pass, you’d come across weathered mars-like rocky structures, boggy swampland and deep carved out gorges. more

On Landscape is part of Landscape Media Limited , a company registered in England and Wales . Registered Number: 07120795. Registered Office: 1, Clarke Hall Farm, Aberford Road, WF1 4AL. Midge Specs, midge net glasses from the Highlands.