on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Issue 281
Browse On Landscape on your Tablet, iPad or Desktop
End-frame “Forrest Bench” by Lyle Gomes
Eelco Scheer chooses one of his favourite images
Natural Landscape – Volume Two
Creating the difficult second album
Shanda Akin – Portrait of a Photographer
A Photography Journey inspired by 25 years of service
Justin Pumfrey
Featured Photographer
Seeds of Change
Exploring unusual aspects connected to seeds
Landscape Trauma
Six new exhibitions focused on the innovative photographic approaches to landscape and the environment
Exploring New Islands
Artificial Landscapes are Spectacular but Challenging
A Letter from America
The Haunting High Plains of Montana and North Dakota

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Viewpoint Editor’s Letter editor@onlandscape.co.uk
Tim Parkin

Many weather experts have told us that things are getting more extreme and more changeable as the climate heats up. It’s definitely been getting warmer up here in the Highlands, but not so changeable. We’re four weeks into a heatwave with continuous sunshine and high temperatures (well, high temperatures for Scotland anyway - 29 degrees today!) and no end in sight. However, with this amount of heat, when moist air does arrive, it does so with a bang - literally! Last week we had incredible thunderstorms, with lightning hitting the top of Ben Nevis and shattering one of the summit trig points! The intense rainstorm that came with it also caused landslides on the road to our neighbouring village of Kinlochleven, closing the road for the next few weeks while it’s rebuilt.

These incidents have kept both of our local mountain rescue services busy, especially on our more accessible mountains (Ben Nevis in particular), with people ignoring forecasts and getting trapped in thunderstorms or not taking enough water and suffering from heatstroke. We had a day out on Ben Nevis this week and got through four litres of water each, and yet we saw some people holding just a single 250ml bottle of water and no rucksacks. Take care, whatever weather you have in your area - and never underestimate its power!


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Tim Parkin

Content Issue Two Hundred and Eighty One
On Landscape Issue80

Issue 281

Click here to download issue 281 (high quality, 107Mb) Click here to download issue 281 (smaller download, 66Mb) more

19.06.23 Artists 47551 Thumbnails Thumbnail 1672018165611826 29.forest Bench

End-frame “Forrest Bench” by Lyle Gomes

Photographer, Jonathan Chritchley, put me on the track of Lyle Gomes. This picture is on the cover photograph of the book “Imagining Eden: Connecting Landscapes.” The book contains photographs made over a sixteen-year period from locations in America and Europe. more

Natural Landscape Book Cover 2

Natural Landscape – Volume Two

Creating the first Natural Landscape book was a bit of an epic task. All of the decisions about overall design, font choices, typography etc all had to be made in advance of even starting to populate the book with images. more

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Shanda Akin – Portrait of a Photographer

Clearly, the paths we consciously choose to take throughout our lives have a significant impact on the direction of our photography and what motivates us to create artwork. more

Justin Pumfrey Gps21

Justin Pumfrey

Throughout my work life, projects have arisen naturally and are, as I look back at them, expressions of where I was as I human being in the different periods of my life. more

Tinydandelions Field Clarenewton

Seeds of Change

I have often wondered about the miracles of a seed - how can such a tiny speck grow into the most incredible flora, from a small daisy all the way up to a giant tree? more

Biville, Sealander, 2006 © Jane And Louise Wilson

Landscape Trauma

Contrary to a great deal of popular landscape photography, where the landscape is often portrayed as a pristine and wild land, contemporary landscape photography takes an alternate view and rarely portrays the landscape in this way. more

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Exploring New Islands

Artificial islands are not new. They have been created for thousands of years. What is new is the size and strangeness of their modern incarnations. To conclude my journey, I rowed to some ancient examples. more

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A Letter from America

I contemplated a workshop revisiting the amazing Italian Dolomites or, alternatively, a road trip through Montana and North Dakota exploring the ghost towns and abandoned farms there. After much deliberation, in the end, I chose the road trip as it promised to be different from anything I had done before. more

On Landscape is part of Landscape Media Limited , a company registered in England and Wales . Registered Number: 07120795. Registered Office: 1, Clarke Hall Farm, Aberford Road, WF1 4AL.