on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
e-Books – William Neill
eBook reviews
Lensless Landscapes – Steve Gosling
Book review - Terra Borealis, Friedlander & Shoshone Falls
Moving on Up
From film to digital post-production
Masters of Vision
Exhibition review
Books from ‘Beyond Words’
Book Review - Terra Borealis, Friedlander & Shoshone Falls
Developing Your Own Website
An introduction to web development for photographers
Wynn Bullock
Master photographer
David Baker
Featured photographer

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Viewpoint Editor’s Letter editor@onlandscape.co.uk
Tim Parkin

Tim Parkin

Content Issue Twenty
William Neill's Yosemite - Volume One

e-Books – William Neill

William Neill assisted at Ansel Adams' studio in Yosemite and has worked with many of the top photographers in the world and in the process has himself become part of the group he studied with. more


Lensless Landscapes – Steve Gosling

Pinhole photography is photography taken to it's most simple form. Just a small hole and some photosensitive material. There are a few people in the UK who have really mastered using this technique (see Paul Mitchell's work in one of our featured photographer issues). Steve Gosling has mastered this process over the years and has produced a wonderful book of 'Lensless Landscapes' which we have featured in a review elsewhere this issue. We caught up with Steve at his more


Moving on Up

Having become a proponent of digital post production I still, however, try to create the image as far as possible in the field. For me, it is still about the art of photography rather than being a mouse master. more


Masters of Vision

Pete Bridgewood organised another ‘Masters of Vision’ exhibition at Southwell Minster. We went to the preview night, what’s changed since the last event? more


Books from ‘Beyond Words’

The three books borrowed were Lee Friedlander’s “Friedlander”, Marco Paoluzzo’s “Terra Borealis” and Thomas Joshua Cooper’s “Shoshone Falls” more


Developing Your Own Website

Whilst developing photographic websites for colleagues I thought it would be a good idea to discuss the aspects that need thinking about when doing so. more


Wynn Bullock

The big turning point in his photographic journey was meeting Edward Weston. Stunned by the beauty of his prints, he devoted to ‘straight’ photography... more


David Baker

I saw a sunset image by Guy Edwardes, the sea looked fantastic and the wave trails ethereal. I tried it myself and was caught - a coast hugger ever since! more

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