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It’s been conference planning madness in the On Landscape offices over the last few weeks. We’ve got most of the speakers booked and in this issue, we’ve announced the first four and opened ticket sales. We’re amazed that we have sold more tickets in the first week of being announced than we sold all together for the first conference back in 2014! Thanks to everyone for making the most of the early bird price! We also noticed that the date of the conference is quite close to the 10th anniversary of On Landscape magazine (doesn’t time fly) so we’ll be celebrating that at the conference as well. Who said cake? If you can’t make it, don’t worry as we’ll be recording all of the sessions as usual but the experience of being there is so much more as anybody who has been will tell you. Find out more in our news announcement here.
In other news, we’ve just received a new camera bag. This wouldn’t normally be news as, like most of you know, landscape photographers have more bags than most footballers wives! However, we think this might be a big step towards that impossible task of satisfying the ‘one true bag’ and so we’ll be testing it over the next few weeks (and up in Scotland it will get some serious rough weather testing) and we’ll report back later.
Tim Parkin

Issue 199 PDF
Click here to download issue 199 (high quality, 114Mb) Click here to download issue 199 (smaller download, 74Mb) more

End frame: Dovercourt Lighthouse by Neil Hulme
The lighthouse is a subject that has been shot many times but I think Neil has delivered an image with an air of reflective beauty and mystery. more

Cooke PS945 & XVa Lenses
As you probably know, On Landscape isn’t the normal ‘reviews, adverts, competitions and special offers’ website. Although, we have done the occasional review where there has been a gap in the available information (ND filters, Grads, etc) we generally try to avoid them. However, we did notice that there was a big gap in the market for reviews of high-end 8x10 pictorial lenses so we figured we could probably add at least one new reader if we could get more

Alan Henriksen
I’m delighted to have come across Alan Henriksen’s detailed explorations of the natural and the man-made on Lensculture recently. As well as sharing his images with you, he has some rather special anecdotes too. more

Subscribers 4×4 Portfolios
This issue our 4x4 landscape photography portfolio feature are from subscribers: Erik Nilsson, Jesibel A. Fernández, John Roias & Richard Heinrich. more

Living Lightly in a Consumerist Industry
In today's global photography community, the temptation of an extra few megapixels here, and a slightly sharper lens there, or any modicum of additional functionality is hard to avoid with gear chat being one of the core currencies of conversation among fellow 'togs more

Launching Meeting of Minds Conference 2020
The conference will be held from 13th - 15th November 2020 at the Rheged Centre in the edge of the Lake District, just above Ullswater. more

The Path Towards Expression
It is then that we start to interpret the world around us, making it visible to others under an appearance strongly tinted by our own perception. When this happens, we stop being mere performers and we become composers. more

The Biesbosch Wetlands
This time, the water won, reclaiming all that humans had wrought. The contours of tree-lined farm lanes are still visible in the skeletons of submerged trees. more