on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Issue 219 PDF
Browse On Landscape on your Tablet, iPad or Desktop
10 Years of On Landscape
Looking back on past articles
End frame: Trump Tower, Manhattan by Roger Arnall
Martin Smith chooses one of his favourite images
Subscribers 4×4 Portfolios
Gary Tucker, Nils Leonhardt, Peter Reid & Phil Pither
Abstraction in Photography
The Willing Suspension of Recognition
Andy Holliman
Featured Photographer
Eigg without Rùm
Exploring the Island
Stay longer, look closer, dig deeper
Eliot Dudik
In Celebration of Projects
The River Path

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Viewpoint Editor’s Letter editor@onlandscape.co.uk
Tim Parkin

"Over the last year and a half, I've been getting more and more engrossed in the subject of photography."

So started my first blog entry on the 10th of July 2007. At the time, I was inspired by reading Nature Photographers Network, Luminous Landscape, and Fred Miranda and had just started looking at a few blogs that people were writing about large format photography. I thought I would just write a few posts about my journey into large format* but it ended up being a little more life-changing than that. Three years later, and after writing 200 blog entries on my website, I figured there might be enough audience out there to start a subscription-based website. I had just read Kevin Kelly's "1000 True Fans," which, to summarise, says that you only need 1000 people who absolutely love what you do enough to commit to 100 dollars a year. It doesn't matter if the rest of the world thinks you're weird or useless or boring because these fans will help you earn enough to continue doing what you, and they, love.

After a few meetings with Joe Cornish (our chairman), we decided to give it a go. The progress wasn't all smooth sailing, but our "True Fans" were loyal and supportive. Over time, we slowly morphed into what you read today. Our goal was always to be true to what we enjoyed and not continually chase more subscribers or more advertising but to keep building something that we wanted to read ourselves. And it's now ten years since that very first issue, so something must have worked. I've just spent a delightful week going back through all the back issues to compile a list of some of the best of On Landscape for you to reread or for new subscribers to explore.

We regularly ask some of our readers what they think of the magazine and try to make sure it remains engaging for them. We've recently formed a steering group with some of our regular readers and contributors to help guide us in planning for the future. I hope with everybody's help, we can carry on enjoying On Landscape well into the next decade.

Tim Parkin

Click here to download issue 219 (high quality, 156Mb)

Click here to download issue 219 (smaller download, 87Mb)

Tim Parkin

Content Issue Two Hundred and Nineteen

Issue 219 PDF

Click here to download issue 219 (high quality, 156Mb) Click here to download issue 219 (smaller download, 87Mb) more


10 Years of On Landscape

In celebration of our ten years of publishing our magazine, we thought we'd pick some of our favourite content for you to look back on, particularly if you weren't a subscriber from early days. more

Trump Tower -Roger Arnall

End frame: Trump Tower, Manhattan by Roger Arnall

Roger is an Australian photographer who will be known personally to many readers. We first crossed paths on a 'light and land' tour twelve years ago, and have travelled together many times since. more

Waipu Cove, NZ

Subscribers 4×4 Portfolios

This issue our 4x4 landscape photography portfolio features are from subscribers: Gary Tucker, Nils Leonhardt, Peter Reid & Phil Pither. more

Guy Tal - Abstraction in Photography 12

Abstraction in Photography

Appreciation of abstract photography also requires a degree of openness on the part of viewers—a willingness to allow an abstract image to impart its intended effect, rather than just to serve as a means of portraying recognisable objects or scenes. more


Andy Holliman

Here at On Landscape we're always keeping an eye out for interesting, personal projects, particularly ones that work outside of the usual photogenic subjects. more

Harvey Lloyd Thomas- 11-Talm-Puffer

Eigg without Rùm

The island of Eigg is the second largest and most populous of the Small Isles located off the west coast of Scotland south of Skye. From the mainland and arriving by sea Eigg is impossible to mistake with its towering rock prow of volcanic origin: An Sgurr more

Eliot Dudik Paradise Road, West Augusta, West Virginia

Stay longer, look closer, dig deeper

I've followed Eliot's work since Steve Coleman interviewed him back in 2015. Eliot's work has been prolific since then, working on different collaborations and projects, whilst exploring different mediums for expressing his work; from handmade books, printed books, and his most challenging project "Country Made of Dirt". more


In Celebration of Projects

The mandatary ‘lockdown’ of March/April 2020 enabled me to look again very much closer to home but this time venturing in a different geographical direction, one that followed sandy narrow trails, quite at odds with the rocky greater forest around them. more

On Landscape is part of Landscape Media Limited , a company registered in England and Wales . Registered Number: 07120795. Registered Office: 1, Clarke Hall Farm, Aberford Road, WF1 4AL.