on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers

Isle Of Skye 

David Ball

David Ball

I'm a landscape photographer based in and around the UK, I finally found my passion for landscape work after doing various types of photography through my ten years of experience. My inspiration to become a photographer started at a young age when my granddad would inspire me with his camera on holidays. My passion is now with landscape work, some of which has been published in leading magazines including Digital Camera Magazine.


Neist Point

My Skye journey started off at Neist Point for sunset and being one of Skye’s most photographed places I was weary of it being very busy and everyone being crowded at the same place. Upon arriving I had it in my mind that I wanted to capture the classic viewpoint, but soon realised there was so much more to this location so headed off in search of something original and to be honest I’m so glad I did because I came across this composition and although looks and was very dangerous just had to be taken as the perspective was really cool and imposing.


The Old Man Of Storr

My adventure continued the next morning at another famous landmark on The Isle Of Skye, The Old Man Of Storr! Arriving in the pitch black and with no idea what I was getting myself into having previously been told it was a hard walk I headed off with a fellow photographer Nick Hanson who was local to the area and had good knowledge, so I knew I was in good hands…. after hiking up the mountain which seemed like forever but in fact was just over an hour we finally reached the top where we were greeted with some amazing light… for me reaching the top was a great achievement and a magical moment being my first time up there.

The Quiraing

Before visiting Skye, the Quiraing was always going to be on my list and having seen so many beautiful images from the area I knew I was going to be in for a treat if everything came together. Arriving just before sunrise I noticed there were some nice colours starting to appear so potentially was going to be a good morning and hopefully some nice light. I set off and soon found a composition iIwas happy with and from then on was a waiting game. I wasn’t waiting long before the sun started to rise and produced some stunning light on the mountains.  I got what I came for and much more a morning I won't be forgetting in a hurry.

The Fairy Pools, Glen Brittle

So it was my last day in Skye and going off the weather the night before which had given a huge amount of rain fall there was only one place I was heading for… a place I wanted all week but couldn’t due to there being no rain, and it was the Fairy Pools!! Arriving just before sunrise I was greeted with what felt like 50mph winds and fierce heavy rain… But that didn’t put me off, so I headed off with a mission in mind which was to get at least one good solid image. As I started to get closer, the rain and winds eased off leaving some amazing clouds clinging on to the peaks giving me some really nice moody atmosphere so with that in mind I jumped into the freezing cold rushing water set up my composition and took a few images… good job I didn’t hang about though as a few minutes later the rain and winds came back and were even worse telling me that was my cue to head home.  

On Landscape is part of Landscape Media Limited , a company registered in England and Wales . Registered Number: 07120795. Registered Office: 1, Clarke Hall Farm, Aberford Road, WF1 4AL. Midge Specs, midge net glasses from the Highlands.