on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers

Manmade Landscapes

A deeper message

Hans Strand

Hans Strand

Hans Strand is an internationally recognised photographer who has received numerous awards for his work and published three books. He lives near Stockholm in Sweden.

In the beginning of my photography career, I could not think of shooting landscapes formed by man. I was entirely focusing on the natural and untouched wilderness. I wanted to bring beautiful images from the wild out to the readers of magazines and books. I hiked up and down in the remotest of the Swedish mountains. This to find landscapes which had never had been photographed before. I travelled across the globe to look for the sublime creations of Mother Nature herself. Not until I started to travel to the high Arctic had I any interest in landscapes moderated by man. In and around the the Inuit settlements of Greenland and Nunavut, and the coal mines of Svalbard, I found traces of the presence of mankind and of a kind which changed the course of my photography. I now consider man as the greatest creator and destroyer on top of the crust of the earth.

Greenhouses Andalucia

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