on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers


Tomasz Susul

Tomasz Susul

Born in Poland and my house is still there but for the last five years my home and my family is in Switzerland. My journey through time with camera started a long time ago but only for the last four years I’ve turned to landscape photography.
I’ve been searching for poetry in nature ever since exploring connections of elements hoping to touch someone’s soul and maybe even to change the way of thinking about nature’s role in our life.


All these photographs were taken in the vicinity of Mont Blanc and Glacier du Geant on the same day of September 2016. There are many mountaineers trying to reach the highest summit in Europe, most of them succeed but some do not. Power of dreams drives people to achieve goals despite their insignificance next to the forces of nature. This mini series being part of an ongoing project is dedicated to their courage.

On Landscape is part of Landscape Media Limited , a company registered in England and Wales . Registered Number: 07120795. Registered Office: 1, Clarke Hall Farm, Aberford Road, WF1 4AL. Midge Specs, midge net glasses from the Highlands.