on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers

Live Streaming of our On Landscape Conference

See all the talks and participate with us online

Charlotte Parkin

Charlotte Parkin

Head of Marketing & Sub Editor for On Landscape. Dabble in digital photography, open water swimmer, cooking buff & yogi.

If you can't make the Meeting of Minds Conference in Penrith this November, don't worry as we'll be live streaming the event on YouTube.

Saturday Live Streaming URL


Please sign up below for notification of the live streaming URL and detail you don't have to have a subscription either!

We will email you the link to view it on YouTube just as the conference opens on the Saturday morning. The live streaming will be free to all online viewers.

We'll be holding Green Room Interviews with all of the speakers exclusively for our online audience and we'll be taking questions via social media! More details to follow.....

Follow us on ##OLConf18 for Twitter updates and to ask your questions or join in the backchannel at the conference :)

Recordings of Livestreaming from 2016 Conference

Still not sure? Why not take a look at the recordings from our Meeting of Minds Conference 2016.

On Landscape is part of Landscape Media Limited , a company registered in England and Wales . Registered Number: 07120795. Registered Office: 1, Clarke Hall Farm, Aberford Road, WF1 4AL.