Kevin Nelson

Kevin Nelson
I’m a Photographer and Art Director with 20 years experience in multiple disciplines based in Southern California. My landscape work focuses on dynamic moments with long exposure camera techniques. This allows me to take a naturally beautiful setting or subject and add a slightly surreal feel through texture, color and definition. The result is a photograph that looks both familiar and otherworldly.
As a landscape photographer location means everything. And every now and then, you find an amazing spot that offers multiple views and subjects. After looking around on Google Maps I came across Moss Point in Laguna Beach, CA, looked at the forecast and the tides and decided to check it out. Although the beach is very small, I was pleasantly surprised with all the options for shots. Long, layered, sharp rock formations on the south end, tall rocks on the north end and plenty of smooth, weathered boulders in between.
One of my favourite things about finding a new location is watching how the light affects the landscape as it changes. As you can see, Moss Point didn’t disappoint. It had just stopped raining for a couple of days, very rare in Southern California, so I was hoping the clouds would stick around and bless me with a killer sunset. I spent the evening moving up and down the beach looking for compositions, taking several shots as the light dimmed and the sun began to set and then WOW, the sky lit up like it was on fire. Resulting in some of the best landscape photos I’ve ever taken.
I hope you enjoyed a little scenery from Southern California.