on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers


João Ferrão

Joao Ferrao

Joao Ferrao

Based on the north of Portugal and born in 1988 i discovered photography in 2006 and the curiosity for the medium has grown into a passion.

Photography is a therapy and mean to express myself, to put on paper my feelings and to portrait what my mind saw when my eyes wondered on a scene.

Joao Ferrao 4x4

The pandemic has led everyone to explore the "backyards" of our lives, whether physical or metaphorical.

During this period I got to know better a small forest south of the Bom Jesus sanctuary in Braga. I wasn't attracted by its religious character but it turned out to be a spiritual sanctuary for me, a zone of relaxation and introspection whose beauty showed itself when I was most entangled in its intricacies.

This series of images is a sample of a set of several images of a more intimate and abstract character, captured in this wood that has become for me a true sanctuary.

Wood Waves

210619 Bom Jesus 4 Sharpened

210703 Bom Jesus Sameiro 9421 Psd Sharpened

Irradiation Sharpened

On Landscape is part of Landscape Media Limited , a company registered in England and Wales . Registered Number: 07120795. Registered Office: 1, Clarke Hall Farm, Aberford Road, WF1 4AL. Midge Specs, midge net glasses from the Highlands.