Jeremy Henderson

Jeremy Henderson
I am a photographer based in Northumberland in north-east England. My passion has always been for landscapes, emerging from my love of the outdoors and combined with a passion for mountaineering and natural history. I have been lucky enough to have explored some of the Earth's great mountain ranges, but I currently find much nourishment in exploring the nooks and crannies of my local area.
As a geologist and photographer it was inevitable that I'd take photographs of rocks. This group of "intimate landscapes" were taken near my home on the Northumberland coast in the UK. I like grand vistas as much as the next landscape photographer, but I feel that the restricted scope of these images allow the viewer to focus on the silent narratives expressed by geometries and juxtapositions of the elements without distraction, and emphasise the motifs that are the result of complex physical, chemical and biological processes. The ambiguous magnitude underlines that these processes are universal and take place on all scales.