Episode Eleven

Tim Parkin
Amateur Photographer who plays with big cameras and film when in between digital photographs.

Theo Bosboom
Theo Bosboom is a passionate photographer from the Netherlands, specialising in nature and landscapes. In 2013, he turned his back on a successful legal career to pursue his dream of being a fulltime professional photographer. He is regarded as a creative photographer with a strong eye for detail and composition and always trying to find fresh perspectives.

Mark Littlejohn
Mark Littlejohn is an outdoor photographer who lives on the edge of a beach in the desolate wastelands of the Highlands of Scotland. He takes photographs of anything unlucky enough to pass in front of his camera.
The premise of our podcast is loosely based on Radio Four's “Any Questions.” Usually, Joe Cornish and I (Tim Parkin) invite a special guest to each show and solicit questions from our subscribers. Unfortunately, with Joe's recent accident, he couldn't make it and so we asked Mark Littlejohn to be a 'pseudo-JC' for the talk. He might not do a convincing impression of Joe, but he's always interesting and entertaining to talk to!