on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Category Archives: 272
On Landscape Issue80

Issue 272

Click here to download issue 272 (high quality, 111Mb) Click here to download issue 272 (smaller download, 64Mb) more

Nasa Apollo8 Dec24 Earthrise

End frame: Earthrise by Bill Anders, Apollo 8, 1968

The astronauts (and everybody around them) were dutifully machine-like in their approach to the mission, but it wasn’t until they were more relaxed that they were able to appreciate a different perspective altogether. more

Timparkin Collage Composite Landscape C209c0c0 18fd 4919 8efd 744fb451e9b8

A Look at AI Image Generation

Firstly, a little context and background for just what artificial intelligent image creation actually means, and it’s quite different to how people might imagine it. more


Artificial Art

The real question—the more troubling question by far–is not whether AI creations are or are not, will or will not be, considered as art, but what we stand to lose as human beings, in terms of human experience, by allowing for such creations to be considered as art. more

Cathgothard 16

Cath Gothard

If I were forced to choose a favourite season to photograph the park, then it would have to be spring. It’s such an optimistic season, with new life emerging from the slumber of winter. more

Dsc4287 3

Bearing Witness

If we are looking for more meaningful and rewarding experiences and to make photos that are creative and self-expressive, then I would argue there may be times when the camera should never come out of the bag. more

River Irfon Ice Mid Wales Elan Valley (hop)

Photography and the Arc of Human Progress

The last 20 years have seen more change to photography than the 150 years prior, and, with no sign of advancement slowing down, the next ten will yield just as much change as the last 20, and so on and so forth. more

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