on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Category Archives: Interviews
Gregor Radonjic 7


The photos show man-made objects whose purpose is no longer clear, or they have lost their function but are still present in the natural environment. more

Pritchard 000 Pca

More than Scenery: Yellowstone, an American Love Story

The view of Golden Gate Canyon caught my attention after looking through the Wyoming cards at a paper antiques show. It’s a classic 19th-century proscenium picture space borrowed from painting by Western exploration survey photographers of the 1870s and ’80s. more

43 Final

The Island

The Island, like a lot of my work, is a construction, it’s England and the Brexit vote but a response distilled through my experience, thoughts and feelings. more

Kingdom 13


The process of going back and making the connection between my teenage self, who sought solace and respite in nature, and the person I am today was a potent part of this book project. more

Tidal Traces #12

Marianthi Lainas

The transient nature of the littoral landscape is endlessly fascinating, as is such a dynamic environment. These coastal edge lands have been the focus of her new project, 'Sea Signatures'. more

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Frans Lanting

I've always been drawn to different schools of interpreting a natural world outside of the boundaries of photography, whether it is rock art, whether it is painting schools ranging from impressionism to expressionism. more


Fabio Marchini

The mountains have always fascinated me, their shapes, their silence, their majesty, and have always made my soul vibrate with emotions. Being in the mountains for me means feeling grateful for what I have in life. more

North Palisade From Rambaud Creek, Sierra Nevada, Ca Web

Inside the High Sierra

I’ve been photographing in the High Sierra for 35 years and I feel the body of work is significant. I haven’t changed the way I work over that timeframe. more

7 Gregor Radonjic Trees

An Interview with Gregor Radonjič

Originally I was just interested in purchasing Gregor's photo book 'Drevesa' (Trees) because I enjoyed his work and it's also my favourite topic. This first contact has since turned into an enjoyable email conversation on photography, more

Looking Back At Morecambe At Sunset

Mark Pickup

Mark recently gained his distinction from the Associateship in the Disabled Photography Society.  We talk to Mark about his photography and how he has adjusted his workflow around his Macular Dystrophy. more

11 Source

Inner Sound

It was having the extended time during lockdown to pour over the work for the book that in all probability might never have happened otherwise. more

17 Recent

The End is Nothing, the Road is All

This “Gran Adventura” was the single best event in my life and I wanted our readers/viewers to see the beauty, intrigue, and curiosities we experienced on a daily basis. So, I photographed what captured my eye while secretly hoping our friends and family would come to understand Mexico and Central/South America in a fresh and personal way. more

Isabel Díez Rocks 1

Between Tides

The seashore has something magical about it. It is amazing how in the course of a few hours a landscape emerges that was hidden by the water. more

Old Head 1

Interview with David Magee

My earliest memories are of being by the sea. It is alive, it has a voice and a beating heart. It is a literal force of Nature. Every time I’m close to the sea I feel a calming sense of serenity and security. Especially the coastline of West Cork. more



Back in the autumn, I saw a Facebook post by Jon about his new book 'Whispers' and we ordered a copy. Time got the better of me but I eventually got around to enjoying the book back in spring 2021. It had been a number of years since we interviewed Jon as our featured photographer, so I got in touch and started chatting about what he'd be up to and how the project came about. We interviewed you back more

On Landscape is part of Landscape Media Limited , a company registered in England and Wales . Registered Number: 07120795. Registered Office: 1, Clarke Hall Farm, Aberford Road, WF1 4AL. Midge Specs, midge net glasses from the Highlands.