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Our first batch of truly winter weather comes and goes a couple of weeks ago and I was lucky enough to be in Scotland at the time. Charlotte and I had booked to do some more winter mountain skills and the come the day of course (a two day camp) we had the coldest night and clearest stillest day of the week.
I can’t describe how wonderful it is to see a landscape I know quite well from a truly different perspective. Our experience is written up in this issue and I wholeheartedly recommend getting out in the hill in winter if you can make it (and if we can, most can!).
The weather wasn’t quite as cold as Joe Cornish’s experiences in the Polar Regions (although our trip was a lot cheaper we definitely had colder rooms). Joe talks about the unique constraints of photographing from a ship but shows us just what beautiful pictures you can create even so.
To finish the cold weather theme this issue, Hans Strand talks about his experiences in the Abisko National Park, Sweden, 121 miles north of the Arctic circle.
As I write this editorial, the East coast of the US is getting a record breaking dump of snowfall . If you’ve got any cold, wintery conditions then I hope you can enjoy them safely while they last. Our snow has turned to drizzle and we wait the liquid state version of the US storms in the next few days.
Until next time!
Tim Parkin

Issue 106 PDF
Our first batch of truly winter weather comes and goes a couple of weeks ago and I was lucky enough to be in Scotland at the time. Charlotte and I had booked to do some more winter mountain skills and the come the day of course (a two day camp) we had the coldest night and clearest stillest day of the week. I can’t describe how wonderful it is to see a landscape I know quite well from a truly more

Landscape Photography Conference
Get together a bunch of your favourite landscape photographers to give presentations to like minded individuals and have a crack at the same time. Two years ago we did just that and from our feedback we think it went quite well. It was too late to organise another event the following year but the good news is that we’ve got our act together and have more

Beginning Winter Mountain Photography
Colin Prior’s books on Scotland’s mountains were one of my first introductions to the world of landscape photography. Highland Wilderness and The Wild Places showed me the beauty of Scotland’s finest peaks but it was the winter depictions that really grabbed me. Over the last decade me and my wife Charlotte have visited Scotland every year and most of these visits have been to Glencoe. We’ve always wanted to ‘get up high’ and despite some longer walks have never more

Thomas Peck’s Critiques
Photography can be a frustrating art form. It delights to pose questions and not to provide answers. Take this eerie image by Kilian Schönberger. Why are these trees bent at the base and straight at the top? What is going on? more

Polar Voyages
Wilderness is affecting, and most who travel to these regions are changed forever by the intensity and power of raw nature. The harshness, the birds, fish and mammals that carve out a living here, the weather, and the indescribable beauty of the landscapes can haunt your imagination, shift your perspective, even change your values and understanding. more

Subscribers 4×4 Portfolios
This issue the 4x4 portfolios are from John Osman, Paul Osgood, Richard Earney & Stuart Westmore. more

Few people outside Sweden have never heard about Abisko National Park. This is why I want to give a try to put it on the photographic map. more

Stephen Barnett
I was first taught to process film in 1974 at my College of further education in Nottingham, but I wouldn’t at that stage call it ‘photography’ as I was on my way to Sheffield School of Art to study Sculpture. more