on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Issue 139 PDF
Browse On Landscape on your Tablet, iPad or Desktop
Yan Preston – Mother River
Interview about Yangtze River Project
Endframe: ‘A view of Bossington Beach looking west, taken in the early morning’ by Joe Cornish
Phil Hemsley chooses one of his favourite images
Camera Types for Large Format Photography
The Basics of the View Camera
Subscribers 4×4 Portfolios
Alison Taylor, Arron Haggart, David Eberlin & Nils Karlson
Thomas Peck’s Critiques
Marc Adamus
Bruce Percy
Meeting of Minds Conference 2016
Alex Bamford
Featured Photographer
A Change of Format
My first steps into the world of Medium Format Film Photography

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Viewpoint Editor’s Letter editor@onlandscape.co.uk
Tim Parkin

We moved to the Scottish Highlands in late winter of this year and were blessed with a glorious spring with consistently warm weather, sunny days and snow capped hills. As such it was a bit of a shock to experience the Highland summer, a damp and dreary affair made worse by the June heatwave stuck over southern parts of the UK. We’ve had nearly a whole month of rain and overcast broken by only a day or two of clear skies. It’s very easy when the weather is disagreeable and the landscape turns green to just stay in, waiting for the light (26 days - beat that Mr Noton) and in the end I figured something must be done. As such, starting from midsummer I’ve committed myself to a 365 project, at least one photograph a day, every day for the foreseeable future. This should do a few things, 1) it will get me out of the house (and I’m a confirmed hermit so that is a win) 2) it hones my camera skills (10,000 hours and all that) 3) It makes me look for pictures regardless of circumstance. All of this should help me in many ways, but most importantly it should stop me taking this glorious part of the world for granted (something, I’m told, is a problem however magical your surroundings). I’ll write a half way point article about this at Christmas, but for now, if you want to watch my progress, you can take a look at http://www.lochaber365.com.

Click here to download issue 139 (high quality, 113Mb)

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Tim Parkin

Content Issue One Hundred and Thirty Nine

Issue 139 PDF

It’s very easy when the weather is disagreeable and the landscape turns green to just stay in, waiting for the light as such, starting from midsummer I’ve committed myself to a 365 project, at least one photograph a day, every day for the foreseeable future. more


Yan Preston – Mother River

The plan was to photograph, with a large plate camera, 63 Y points which correlate to precisely 100 kilometre points along the Yangtze River, making up an epic journey of 6.320 km across China more


Endframe: ‘A view of Bossington Beach looking west, taken in the early morning’ by Joe Cornish

It was a moment that struck me immediately, a deeply visceral study of light, form, flow, textures, and gravitas. Here was a photograph that seemed to be about a time and place, not merely a documentary. more


Camera Types for Large Format Photography

For the uninitiated, the different types of large format cameras available can be daunting. more


Subscribers 4×4 Portfolios

Our 4x4 feature is a set of 4 landscape photography portfolios from our subscribers: Alison Taylor, Arron Haggart, David Eberlin & Nils Karlson more


Thomas Peck’s Critiques

I make no apologies for focussing on Marc Adamus in this article. A photographer who, in every sense of the word (awe, majesty, grandeur, fear etc), makes Sublime images. more


Bruce Percy

Bruce talks about simplicity and minimalism - with images from Bolivia, Harris & Hokkaido. more


Alex Bamford

Alex Bamford’s solution to the perennial problem of fitting photography around work has been to go out and make images by moonlight. more


A Change of Format

Apparently, film photography is making a comeback. Actually, it never went away, but in the same way that vinyl record sales are booming again, there is definitely a resurgent interest in film photography. more

On Landscape is part of Landscape Media Limited , a company registered in England and Wales . Registered Number: 07120795. Registered Office: 1, Clarke Hall Farm, Aberford Road, WF1 4AL. Midge Specs, midge net glasses from the Highlands.