on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Issue 184 PDF
Browse On Landscape on your Tablet, iPad or Desktop
End frame: “The Labyrinth” by Peter Dombrovskis
Bill McClurg chooses one of his favourite images
Subscribers 4×4 Portfolios
Maxime Daviron, Neil McCoubrey, Stefano Gelli & Tim Peterson
Varieties of Experience
Reframing our stories
Skye – off the beaten track
Subscribers Images
Jo Stephen
Featured Photographer
Why are neutral density graduated filters so popular?
Getting things ‘right’ in camera
A Path Not Far
My local woodland project

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Viewpoint Editor’s Letter editor@onlandscape.co.uk
Tim Parkin

H&Y and Kase Filter Discount Codes For Subscribers!

We’ve had a great reaction to our filters article albeit a couple of manufacturers have expressed concerns which we’ll be addressing by updating a couple of the videos. The Nisi and Haida videos included me cross loading a graduated filter by accident. The fact that this is possible is obviously not a good sign and is worthy of mention but a video should exhibit it being used correctly at least. Also, the Wine Country filter problem with the adapter not holding on securely was suggested by Wine Country as a manufacturing problem. Although they weren’t willing to replace the parts involved, we sourced them ourselves and whilst the replacement parts improved things, there was still a problem with the adapter under load. We’ll be producing a compiled review PDF which will include these comments and analysis.

However, this doesn’t change the final results and we’re very happy with the way the better filters worked. The fact that both H&Y and Kase have also taken on some of our feedback in updating their products is also a great sign.

We asked H&Y how best to buy their products and what they could do to help our readers and they gave us an exclusive 20% discount on any H&Y product when bought through the HandyFilters.com website and expires on the 21st of June (see inside PDF for code).

We also spoke to Kase Filters and they have agreed to give us a 10% discount on kasefilters.com when you use the discount code OL10KASE.

Thank you to all the manufacturers that helped with our testing (and those that didn’t!) and thanks for our readers’ patience in putting up with it for so long!

Click here to download issue 184 (high quality, 128Mb)

Click here to download issue 184 (smaller download, 74Mb)

Tim Parkin

Content Issue One Hundred and Eighty Four

Issue 184 PDF

Click here to download issue 184 (high quality, 128Mb) Click here to download issue 184 (smaller download, 74Mb) more


End frame: “The Labyrinth” by Peter Dombrovskis

Then I asked myself why I was searching for a favourite image when it has been hanging on the wall for the past 10 or 15 years — and I’m still not tired of it! It’s “The Labyrinth” by Tasmanian wilderness photographer Peter Dombrovskis. more


Subscribers 4×4 Portfolios

This issue our 4x4 landscape photography portfolio feature is from subscribers: Daviron Maxime, Neil McCoubrey, Stefano Gelli & Tim Peterson more


Varieties of Experience

Appreciating the experience of a chance encounter with beauty as worthy in itself, requiring no further qualification to be regarded as unequivocally good, already makes the entire photographic endeavour a positive and venerable one. more


Skye – off the beaten track

In April, Tim and I went to the Isle of Skye for two days to see if we could get away from the madding crowds (even on a busy Bank holiday). I think we did OK but we wanted to ask our subscribers to send in their images from less travelled Skye locations. Although we're sure a fair few people would rather keep some locations quiet, a few people were willing to share there own favourite spots. A big more


Jo Stephen

A few years ago, I set out to try and capture images that illustrated the ephemeral quality of the nature around me. I wanted to explore the movement of energy between subject and landscape. more


Why are neutral density graduated filters so popular?

Although I am dedicated to the post-production stages of photography I also believe that getting things ‘right’ in camera makes the editing stage a great deal more enjoyable. more


A Path Not Far

The project, or series of photographs, is from the local area where I live, West Lothian. West Lothian itself is geographical quite a small county situated in the central belt of Scotland more

On Landscape is part of Landscape Media Limited , a company registered in England and Wales . Registered Number: 07120795. Registered Office: 1, Clarke Hall Farm, Aberford Road, WF1 4AL.