on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Issue 203 PDF
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Subscribers 4×4 Portfolios
Craig Scoffone, Derrick Golland, Peter Grutter, Xavier Arnau Bofarull
End frame: At the Edges by Lee Acaster
Paula Cooper chooses one of her favourite images
Listening to the Arctic
A unique landscape is being lost from the face of the Earth
Lockdown Podcast #2
Second Episode
Jodie Hulden
Featured Photographer
The hidden value of the humble peat bog
Yorkshire’s peatlands
Lockdown Podcast #1
Episode 1
Capturing The Essence
Get more out of a location than just the standard iconic images
Living a Visual Life
An interview with Guy Tal

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Viewpoint Editor’s Letter editor@onlandscape.co.uk
Tim Parkin

With nearly every social media channel urging you to be creative, either with your current hobby or to start a new one, it can be quite overwhelming when all you want to do is draw ever inward. As I found out when we recorded the first episodes of our lockdown podcast with David Ward and Joe Cornish, the truth of the matter is that none of us have been particularly productive despite having lots of things we could be doing. It’s obviously healthy to keep busy and to make the most of our limited exercise time (we sound like prisoners when you put it like that) but for me, as I imagine is the case for many of you, the inspiration is not flowing. Charlotte and I have been lucky in that we both work from home and with many people searching through their archives, our scanning business is very busy. We have also spent quite a bit of time helping to create a community support network for our village of Ballachulish. We compiled this into a website that I built that people could use to create their own local support groups which you can see here at http://www.covidgo.uk (which includes dodgy footage of a strange man doing DIY in the village as well as pioneering drug delivery services!)

We’re also incredibly happy that so many of you want to keep your subscription to On Landscape running. A big thank you from both of us! Don’t forget to make some suggestions for our podcast feature that we’ve recorded, either by asking questions or suggesting other photographers that we could include. We’re also always looking for new writers and have a modest budget to pay for good ideas so if you have the time and inclination, please get in touch to run your idea past us.

Click here to download issue 203 (high quality, 124Mb)

Click here to download issue 203 (smaller download, 72Mb)

Tim Parkin

Content Issue Two Hundred and Three

Issue 203 PDF

Click here to download issue 203 (high quality, 124Mb) Click here to download issue 203 (smaller download, 72Mb) more


Subscribers 4×4 Portfolios

This issue our 4x4 landscape photography portfolio features are from subscribers: Craig Scoffone, Derrick Golland, Peter Grutter, Xavier Arnau Bofarull. more


End frame: At the Edges by Lee Acaster

If you haven’t been there, Shingle Street is about eight miles south-east of the Suffolk town of Woodbridge, across the marshes on the far side of the village of Hollesley more


Listening to the Arctic

The best way to make observations in the Arctic is to be passive, to drift with the dynamic frozen ocean. The German Icebreaker Polarstern has been doing exactly that since the start of October 2019. more


Lockdown Podcast #2

What we really want to do is to continue having these conversations but make things more interactive with our audience. So if you have any questions you’d like to address to Joe or David (or myself). more


Jodie Hulden

Asian aesthetics has always been fundamental to me, especially the work of ancient Chinese landscape painters, Japanese woodblock artists and the art inspired by the Zen tradition - I love the strong use of negative space, the compositional style and the minimalism. more


The hidden value of the humble peat bog

The UK’s peatlands store over 3 billion tonnes of carbon – that’s roughly the same amount as all the forests in the UK, France and Germany combined. more


Lockdown Podcast #1

Episode One Our Pilot Episode of the Lockdown Podcast You can listen to the podcast on your favourite podcast platform by going to our episode page. more


Capturing The Essence

Niagara Falls is so much more than a huge waterfall. The Niagara River is a very large river connecting two of the Great Lakes. more


Living a Visual Life

I approach things mostly by intuition, but when I feel that a photographic opportunity may be present, or when I feel a desire to make a photograph, I slow down and consider consciously what possibilities and visual components are available to me, and may come up with ideas that were not originally obvious. more

On Landscape is part of Landscape Media Limited , a company registered in England and Wales . Registered Number: 07120795. Registered Office: 1, Clarke Hall Farm, Aberford Road, WF1 4AL. Midge Specs, midge net glasses from the Highlands.