on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Issue 234 PDF
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Subscribers 4×4 Portfolios
David Travis, Dipak Chowdhury, Goran Prvulovic & Ian Meades
End frame: First in the Series of ‘Oracles’ by David Parker
Michael Marten chooses one of his favourite images
Ideas Behind Reality in Photography
Part I
Silver Light
Darkroom Prints at Taunus Foto Galerie, Bad Homburg
Tara Workman – Portrait of a Photographer
Nature Photography as more than a hobby
Jennifer Renwick
Featured Photographer
Maxwell Lake
A location that doesn't disappoint

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Viewpoint Editor’s Letter editor@onlandscape.co.uk
Tim Parkin

Whilst preparing content for this issue, we’ve also had the pleasure of hosting our niece and her best friend for a week of Highland adventures. Summer isn’t usually considered a peak time for landscape photography and I must admit to generally disliking the heat (even the lesser-known Scottish variety) and although I’m not as reactionary against green as our good friend David Ward, I do find it hard to work with as July moves into August and all those fresh and vibrant spring greens move toward slightly overcooked Broccoli tones. However, it was a great opportunity to see if the experience of clegs, ticks, midges, heat & tourists were as bad as I remembered. Fortunately, we’ve had the most amazing six days of sun and breeze and our adventures were mostly spent away from the hordes. Midges were minimal, ticks were mostly on Charlotte and the clegs were obviously making the most of the travel corridors and vacationing down south. All in all, it was a wonderful experience during which Charlotte even convinced me to don a wet suit and enter the water for some paddle boarding (more than enough for the rest of my days I’m sure). As soon as they left, the usual summer rains returned and it was back to floods and soaking boots as we started testing out some walks for a book project David Unsworth and I are working on (more about that soon!).

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Click here to download issue 234 (smaller download, 62Mb)

Tim Parkin

Content Issue Two Hundred and Thirty Four

Issue 234 PDF

Click here to download issue 234 (high quality, 123Mb) Click here to download issue 234 (smaller download, 62Mb) more


Subscribers 4×4 Portfolios

This issue our 4x4 landscape photography portfolio features are from subscribers: David Travis, Dipak Chowdhury, Goran Prvulovic & Ian Meades more


End frame: First in the Series of ‘Oracles’ by David Parker

I love this photograph because it is so mysterious. What is happening? Is it real? Is the water falling or rising, magically suspended or turned to ice? more


Ideas Behind Reality in Photography

For me, the overriding approach is that I want to make sure I express authentic experience. The feelings I want to express in my work are true to my own experience, and my experience is to a large degree influenced by the reality I work in—the beauty and complexity of natural places. more


Silver Light

The exhibition "Silver Light" at Taunus Foto Galerie in Bad Homburg, Germany, shows the work of four photographers, who have in common their dedication to old-fashioned, handmade, non-digital, monochrome photography and prints more


Tara Workman – Portrait of a Photographer

I am also impressed with her bravery in pursuing and sharing images where the subject may be out of focus or where no compositional rules are followed. more

Desert Dots, Death Valley National Park, California. Mud cracks with circular impressions create a fun abstract pattern on the desert floor.

Jennifer Renwick

The inspiration behind my imagery comes from my curiosity about the natural world and what Nature shows me when I am exploring and photographing. more


Maxwell Lake

I tend to look for more remote places than Maxwell Lake and there are plenty near Boulder, but I keep finding more and more to captivate me at this little lake and It’s not even a quarter of a mile around. more

On Landscape is part of Landscape Media Limited , a company registered in England and Wales . Registered Number: 07120795. Registered Office: 1, Clarke Hall Farm, Aberford Road, WF1 4AL. Midge Specs, midge net glasses from the Highlands.