on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers

The Coast – Various Arena Photographers

Tony Worobiec, Trevor Crone, Paul Mitchell, Eva Worobiec & Susan Brown

Tim Parkin

Tim Parkin

Amateur Photographer who plays with big cameras and film when in between digital photographs.

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We've interviewed Paul Mitchell this issue about The Coast book so we're including a review of the book with extracts as well.

You've probably already read about Paul's reasons behind the book so we'll try to cover our own opinion of it.

Firstly though, here's the credits -

Tony Worobiec is a trained fine artist and has written many photography books and his work is a combination of fine art and documentary.

Trevor Crone is black and white photographer who specialises in coastal structures and also teaches photography.

Paul Mitchell is a graphic designer and film photographer who has self published works on pinhole photography.

Eva Worobiec is a trained linguist whose creative outlet is inspired by Joel Meyerowitz and Alfred Seiland.

Susan Brown passion for photography has been reignited in the last few years where she has become a lecturer for Permajet and become a member of the Devon Guild of Craftsmen.

The book conforms to a typical 210mm x 260mm size which makes it easily handleable whilst keeping the images decent size. The printing is beautiful and colour is good throughout apart from the occasional image.

The content of the book is obviously down to the individual photographers involved but there is, maybe surprisingly, a 'look' to the book. As far as subject is considered then we typically see the built coastal environment and it is only really Paul Mitchell's work that has 'natural' coastal pictures. However, the built environment ranges from abandoned and eroded groynes to the Turner gallery in Margate.

I'll go through each photographer to give an impression of the work.

Tony Worobiec has an obvious passion for piers and mostly taken with longer exposures to abstract the designs and draw attention to the structures. The pictures are typically shot under crepuscular light with a photographic style ranging from romantic landscape to almost Meyerowitz's Cape Light'esque work.

Trevor Crone's black and white work of a largely abandoned and dilapidated holiday coast evokes a sad sense of time past. The work is shot very wide with an almost pinhole like sense of perspective.

Paul Mitchell's graphically inspired photographic work we already know and are big fans of and he's even included a few trees to keep the arborealists happy.

Eva Worobiec colour work has a more deadpan feel captured from a distance in crepuscular light again. The subject matter is typically more varied and includes some classics such as St Mary's lighthouse and Old Pier, Swanage.

Susan Brown's work is varied, from colour to black and white but I'm a particular fan of her sea pool work which I'm hoping to include in a future issue.

All in all the book is a good cross section of these photographers work is worth a purchase. It's a great example of how a group of photographers can bring their work together to create a thematically linked and saleable product.

The following are some sample spreads from the book.


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