on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers

The Sony RX100

The Landscape Photographer's Pocket Camera

Andrew Nadolski

Andrew Nadolski

Andrew Nadolski is a professional designer and photographer based in Exeter. His series 'The End of the Land' has been exhibited in museums and art galleries across England and has been published as a book by Headon House.

DSC-RX100_w_accy_01_lgI bought two digital cameras in 2012, a Nikon D800 and a Sony RX100. Both cameras are class-leading and ground-breaking in upping the pixel count for their respective formats. With the D800, Nikon leapfrogged a logically preceding 24mp model and caught everyone by surprise - the competition most definitely included! In all aspects other than resolution the D800 was evolutionary rather than revolutionary, building on the popular D700. Sony on the other hand with the RX100 made a quantum leap from their previous ‘serious compacts’ - packing 20 million pixels into a sensor a tiny fraction of the size of the one in the D800. Just thing of the numbers for a moment - if the chip in the RX100 was scaled up to 35mm format it would give us around 140 million pixels!

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