A double season photographic exhibition celebrating the national park

Richard Fox
I developed my passion for landscape photography, some years ago now, in Devon, primarily on Dartmoor, trying to find time away from my full-time job as a veterinary surgeon. I have since developed the traveling bug, gone part-time and spend more of my time traveling and capturing landscapes. My wife and I have now moved to Stirlingshire in Scotland where we are enjoying exploring this fabulous country.
I have been an obsessive-compulsive landscape photographer since 2012. Living on the very edge of Dartmoor has meant that I have spent most of my spare time when not at work as a vet, or trail running, scouting the park for new locations or compositions.
Dartmoor is very much a working landscape with much of it devoted to or relies on farming in one way or another, and although best known for its tors, and perhaps its prison, there is much more to this national park than meets the eye.
I guess I put myself in the category of a traditionalist landscape photographer. I have dabbled in the odd seascape, a bit of astrophotography and the odd bit of long exposure but we often gravitate to what we find most visually pleasing. and for me, this is golden light, a captivating vista or nice atmospheric optics like rainbows or the odd fogbow.
Of particular interest to me are misty and foggy conditions, perhaps not only for their visual splendour but also for the challenge, to be in the right place at the right time. I also enjoy capturing many scenes as panoramics.
Many of my fellow photographers have encouraged and supported me to present my body of work as an exhibition. I’ve often heard photographers saying that curation is the most challenging aspect for them, when exhibiting their work, and I would certainly agree. It can be hard to choose your favourite images, and be objective, but also perhaps have your audience in mind especially when you are also selling your work; There is much more to Dartmoor than just big chunks of granite’.
This is the culmination of my last 6 years work and a celebration of perhaps the lesser known areas of both the uplands and lowlands. As time goes on your tastes change, your compositional skills (hopefully) improve and perhaps your images become a bit more thoughtful. Most of the images I have chosen are from the last 3 years.
The collection of 40 images range from snowy scenes, colourful sunrises to rolling farmland and historic villages and the odd misty vista of course!
The prints are on display at the Dartmoor National Park visitor’s centre Tavistock Road, Princetown, Yelverton, Devon, PL20 6QF and is open to the public from 10am to 3.30pm Tuesday to Sunday. Entry is free.