on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers

Community Exhibition Catalogue

PDF of all Submissions

Charlotte Parkin

Charlotte Parkin

Head of Marketing & Sub Editor for On Landscape. Dabble in digital photography, open water swimmer, cooking buff & yogi.

As part of our Meeting of Minds Conference held at the beginning of November in Penrith, we held a community exhibition. Every delegate was invited to submit an image for the exhibition.

If you walked into the gallery at the conference during the breaks there was a real buzz, and that’s exactly what we wanted. Delegates talking to each other about their photography. A few people suggested we should have a prize for the best picture but we really wanted to make sure this was a democratic sharing of images, not a competitive environment.

One of the nice things that we saw this year compared to the last event is that people have chosen images that are a lot more personal to them. There were very few ‘cliche/icon’ locations or images and the exhibition was so much more interesting for this.

A big thanks go to Fotospeed who printed and mounted the delegates prints, the presentation and quality of the printing was outstanding and the assignment of paper choice to photograph was very nicely done.

On a more functional level, having a photograph of the delegate next to the print with a paragraph of narrative about the picture was useful, both in order to help delegates to find the photographer but the text also provoked part of that conversation that we found so engaging.

We have created a PDF of all the images which were submitted to the community exhibition. Our thanks go to each of our delegates for supporting the conference and for making it such a brilliant event.

We would also like to thanks Susan Rowe, who proofread every submission and to Matt Lethbridge, David Unsworth, Anna Booth, Richard Earney, David Knight and other volunteers for helping with the installation of the exhibition at the Rheged. Finally to David Eberlin for taking the photos of the exhibition for us.

Click on the cover below to open the PDF or right-click and "save as" to save a copy to your computer. The file is approximately 150Mb.

On Landscape is part of Landscape Media Limited , a company registered in England and Wales . Registered Number: 07120795. Registered Office: 1, Clarke Hall Farm, Aberford Road, WF1 4AL.