on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers

Lockdown Podcast #8

with Tim Parkin, David Ward and Joe Cornish

Tim Parkin

Tim Parkin

Amateur Photographer who plays with big cameras and film when in between digital photographs.

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Joe Cornish

Joe Cornish

Professional landscape photographer.


David Ward

T-shirt winning landscape photographer, one time carpenter, full-time workshop leader and occasional author who does all his own decorating.


A short podcast this time as a few of you groaned at the amount of time you had to listen to us waffle for. So this issue it's a thirty-minute dip into three topics. Firstly, some thoughts about landscape photography as a genre - does it matter what it's called and should we try other stuff? Secondly, what's it like photographing at iconic, "overphotographed" locations and finally, because we all love a bit of clickbait, "Is the DSLR dead?" (I'll spoil the surprise by saying "no but ... yes but ... "

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