on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers

Jerry Greer – Portrait of a Photographer

Dust to dust – showcasing the transformation of Appalachia

Matt Payne

Matt Payne

Matt Payne is a landscape photographer and mountain climber from Durango, Colorado. He’s the host of the weekly landscape photography podcast, “F-Stop Collaborate and Listen,” co-founder of the Nature First Photography Alliance, and co-founder of the Natural Landscape Photography Awards. He lives with his wife, Angela, his son Quinn, and his four cats, Juju, Chara, Arrow, and Vestal.


I first learned about Jerry Greer when he was a guest on my podcast in January of 2020. I was immediately struck by Jerry’s enthusiasm for the craft of photography and his slight yet endearing southern drawl which immediately captivated me. I quickly learned that Jerry’s energy and exuberance in verbal discourse are not easily matched except by his passion and excitement for photography. Jerry’s been involved in photography for many years, and most recently he has returned to his roots by transitioning back to using 4x5 film to capture his subjects. Jerry also has devoted several years mastering the craft of fine art photography bookmaking and has created his own publishing company, Mountain Trail Press, where he has published over 170 books for photographers all over the world.

Copper Creek, Scott County, Virginia

Copper Creek, Scott County, Virginia

Like many photographers who came of age in the 1990s, he became disillusioned by the state of and the direction of the photography industry.

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