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Last week I spent some time in London where I was attending the Wildlife Photographer of the Year awards at the Natural History Museum. The event is a real celebration of the diversity of the world and I was honoured to be sitting with Frans Lanting, one of the most celebrated and talented photographers of our age, as well as Brent Stirton, a workaholic environmental reportage photographer. The discussion flitted around the subject of the importance of photography for the world and I couldn’t help but feel that the work of the landscape photographer pales in comparison with the influence of our own genre. However, the following the day we visited the Science Museum and saw an exhibition of Julia Margaret Cameron’s work but also a retrospective of Alec Soth’s work - a dissection of his project based books. I came away as individually energised and informed from all of these experiences but it was Alec Soth’s work that engaged with me most. Not for the amazing photographs but for the way he portrayed a sense of place and people with his collection of stories and moments. Yes there were some great pictures (including a disturbing but stunning 60x40” naked nazi in a desert oasis) but it was the sense of a man absorbed in the minutiae of life and saying ‘come look what I found’. I think this a great aspect of a photographer’s role - a way of showing their world as a collection of experiences and moments and it made it clear that there is a place for every photographer to tell a personal story with their art, whether earth changing, deeply personal or anywhere in between.
Tim Parkin

Issue 101 PDF
You can download the PDF by following the link below. The PDF can be viewed using Adobe Acrobat or by using an application such as Goodreader for the iPad. We've split the PDF into highest quality and small download versions now. The small download is still good enough quality for general browsing and reading but you won't be able to zoom into the smaller images as much as with the larger. Click here to download issue 101 (high quality, more

Travels in a Strange Land : Dark Spaces
Over the last few years, Matt Botwood has been exploring the creative side of his landscape photography in various ways. The most significant of which is his series "Travels in a Strange Land". more

The Focal Length of the Eye
Whilst putting together the pub quiz for our landscape photography conference last year, David Ward and I wanted to add the question "What focal length is the eye?" more

Featured Interview with Rob Knight & Steve Devonport
Dark Visions is an exhibition of monochrome photography by landscape photographer and photographic educator Rob Knight. It seeks to provide a mixed media experience drawing together through collaboration photography and writing as creative arts. Tim catches up with Rob and Steve to talk about the making of the exhibition & ebook. more

Endframe: “Bridal Veil” by Charlotte Gibb
What immediately struck me about this image was its faithfulness to the intimacy and essence of the name of the elegant Bridalveil Fall in Yosemite National Park. more

Subscribers 4×4 Portfolio
This issue's landscape photography 4x4 portfolio features David Driman, Jon Wyatt, Scott Walton & Stephen Hutchins. more

Thomas Peck’s Critiques “Chinesischer Turm, Englischer Garten”
Christopher Thomas’s images work in a different way. They focus on absence rather than presence. Their emotional power seeps rather than bursts onto the viewer. more

Time Exposed
In our search for perfection, however defined, we seek to be in the right place, at the right time, & to trip the shutter at the right moment. We strive to craft an image just so – to show the landscape at its best, in the right light. more

Kev Lockwood
Kev is a landscape photographer based in Yorkshire. Since his youth he has been a frequent visitor to moorlands, mountains and coastlines, throughout the UK, and occasionally beyond. more

Fragments & Impressions
Roger and I have been talking on and off over the last couple of years and I've been dragging my heels for a while in getting this interview completed. As it turns out, this hasn't been such a bad thing as Roger has continued to produce some excellent photography over this period and he has just won the Black and White category and been highly commended for a portfolio of 3 images, in the USA Landscape Photographer of the more