on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Issue 207 PDF
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End Frame: ‘Dead Camelthorn Trees, Dead Vlei, Sossusvlei, Namibia’ by Frans Lanting
Peter Schwalbe chooses one of his favourite images
Daniel Bergmann
Featured Photographer
Motivations in Landscape Photography
Fail until you get it right—by your own judgement
Subscribers 4×4 Portfolios
Gaetana Ebbole, Alex Hare, Keith Snell and Daniele Bellucci
Portrait of a Photographer- Jimmy Gekas
A gentle soul with an eye for the smaller details
The Illusion of Reality
Individualisation and subjectivation
Lockdown Podcast #6
with Tim Parkin, David Ward and Joe Cornish
Three Rocks, The Butt of Lewis
Winner of Scottish Nature Photographer of the Year competition 2019
The Hill
A remarkable unremarkable place

sponsored by ..

Viewpoint Editor’s Letter editor@onlandscape.co.uk
Tim Parkin

With the lockdown continuing and with little sign that the world will return to normal within the next six months, we recently took a decision to postpone the Meeting of Minds conference until 5th of November 2021. Because the conference doesnít generate any significant revenue for On Landscape, but has a large turnover, the financial risks were considerable and the thought of holding an event which could spread the virus was the last thing we wanted.

Fortunately, nearly all of the speakers have confirmed that they will be able to attend the new dates and the majority of people have already moved their ticket over to the 2021 date. If you have a ticket, please let us know if you would like to roll this over to 2021 event or be issued a refund, by emailing charlotte@onlandscape.co.uk.

We are looking at trying to organise something special to celebrate our 10 years anniversary which would have been at the end of October and could have coincided with the conference. We may try to have some virtual talks organised, please let us know if you think this would be interesting or have any suggestions about speakers or alternative ideas.

Click here to download issue 207 (high quality, 130Mb)

Click here to download issue 207 (smaller download, 73Mb)

Tim Parkin

Content Issue Two Hundred and Seven

Issue 207 PDF

Click here to download issue 207 (high quality, 130Mb) Click here to download issue 207 (smaller download, 73Mb) more


End Frame: ‘Dead Camelthorn Trees, Dead Vlei, Sossusvlei, Namibia’ by Frans Lanting

To draw attention to the story he wants to tell, he has to make images which are beautiful, creative and compelling. Therefore, he is always looking for different perspectives and different ways to show us the world. more


Daniel Bergmann

That process of finding a composition that works for me can be quite meditative. Mostly different from what I've felt while practising sitting meditation, but in some ways similar. more


Motivations in Landscape Photography

I urge each of you reading to articulate if only to yourself, what motivates you and why, and what you do to drive your own motivation. more


Subscribers 4×4 Portfolios

This issue our 4x4 landscape photography portfolio features are from subscribers: Gaetana Ebbole, Alex Hare, Keith Snell and Daniele Bellucci more


Portrait of a Photographer- Jimmy Gekas

He approaches every trip and scene with the same lack of expectation and embodies what the Buddhists call “Shoshin,” which roughly translates as “beginner’s mind.” more


The Illusion of Reality

A fundamental fallacy here is that post-processing is viewed with suspicion and is always accused of being manipulative, while the creative decisions made before triggering that button on the camera are completely free of it. more


Lockdown Podcast #6

Another instalment of the lockdown podcast where Tim Parkin, Joe Cornish and David Ward discuss a few questions around photography. more


Three Rocks, The Butt of Lewis

The textures and patterns, angles and structures are visible amid the many seabirds that cling to the rocks and swoop in and out of the waves. more


The Hill

It is a remarkable unremarkable place that plays an important part in my photography, though not necessarily in terms of actual photographs. more

On Landscape is part of Landscape Media Limited , a company registered in England and Wales . Registered Number: 07120795. Registered Office: 1, Clarke Hall Farm, Aberford Road, WF1 4AL. Midge Specs, midge net glasses from the Highlands.