on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers

Landscape as Habitat

Photographing a Home in the Wild

Joe Cornish

Joe Cornish

Professional landscape photographer.


It would be difficult to argue with the proposition that all landscape is habitat.

Across the world, animals thrive and make their homes in every niche of the ecosystem. With wildlife film-making being the widely disseminated art form that it is, everyone is aware of the sheer variety and peculiarity of the natural world, evolved through time and adaptation. Now we are also increasingly aware of its fragility, usually due to habitat destruction, disturbance, and climate change for which we humans are mainly responsible.

My own interest in wild animals is strong, but my photographic endeavours with wildlife were almost non-existent until a trip to Antarctica in 2013. On this and subsequent tours, my role has been to give photographic support and lectures and to encourage a wider interest in the landscape. The majority of my fellow travellers have been wildlife enthusiasts, many of them capable photographers. Their patience and enthusiasm have encouraged me to observe and consider the lives of animals more closely.

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