on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers

Subscribers 4×4 Portfolios

Charles Twist, Fabrizio Marocchini, Phillip William Jenner & Stephen Peart

Charles Twist

Charles Twist

The first serious steps on my photographic journey began 20 years ago, when I moved to sheet film and view cameras, primarily capturing full-colour landscapes. Since then, I have delved into the history and technology of my craft. Rediscovering and mastering the reversal processing of photographic paper was a pivotal moment for me, laying the foundation for a collaborative project focused on creating sepia portraits at events using vintage methods and equipment.

Subsequently, I designed and constructed my own view camera. Presently, I continue to employ the reversal process with a century-old camera to compile my personal photo-diary. Simultaneously, I use my homemade camera, fitted with a digital back, to craft colour photographs of landscapes and architecture. While I am proficient in both analog and digital technologies, my cameras all share a common feature – a bellows at their heart.


Fabrizio Marocchini

I am an ICT professional and for me photography is a passion. I love nature, I like hiking and explore it, from the mountains to the sea...all the elements! I love staying for hours waiting for the right light... with my camera, my tripod and my emotions...thinking of the composition and listening to the sound of the sea. Thanks in advance to all the people that will appreciate my work.


Phillip William Jenner

Phillip William Jenner

Phillip William Jenner is a Landscape Photographer and Wedding Photographer, Passionate about Nature and the Outdoors, Based in Derbyshire, The East Midlands.


Stephen Peart

I am an amateur photographer. I first picked up a camera with serious intent about 18 months ago. I feel that a landscape image is as much a recollection of an emotional response to a scene as it is a physical record of that particular scene.

Welcome to our 4x4 feature which is a set of four mini landscape photography portfolios submitted from our subscribers. Each portfolios consisting of four images related in some way.

Submit Your 4x4 Portfolio

Interested in submitting your work? We're on the lookout for new portfolios for the next few issues, so please do get in touch!

If you would like to submit your 4x4 portfolio, please visit this page for submission information. You can view previous 4x4 portfolios here.

Charles Twist

On my home patch

Fabrizio Marocchini

Spring morning in Abruzzo

Phillip William Jenner

The Balearic Islands

Stephen Peart

The Dart Head

On Landscape is part of Landscape Media Limited , a company registered in England and Wales . Registered Number: 07120795. Registered Office: 1, Clarke Hall Farm, Aberford Road, WF1 4AL. Midge Specs, midge net glasses from the Highlands.