on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Issue 171 PDF
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Graduated Filter Colour Accuracy Testing – Part Two
Part Two - Getting it Right
End frame: “Trees in Gale” by Sir Wilfred Thesiger
David O'Brien chooses one of his favourite images
Subscribers 4×4 Portfolios
Ben Schreck, Jack B Turner, Nils Leonhardt & Simon Gulliver
Krista McCuish
Featured Photographer
The Second Kind
On Photography and Freedom
A Shaded Path
A dialogue with the landscape
Featured Photographer Revisited
Lizzie Shepherd
Printing makes you a real photographer
A contrary view, in reply to the Togcast episode #42
If No One Saw Your Photographs
or how to gauge success

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Viewpoint Editor’s Letter editor@onlandscape.co.uk
Tim Parkin

Firstly I’d like to thank David Unsworth for producing the PDF’s for our magazine for the last four years. He works behind the scenes converting our content into the wonderful PDF you see before you. I’m thanking him at this moment as he’s made me laugh by inadvertently creating our very own Christmas cover from one of Krista McCuish’s fantastic images (she is our featured photographer in this issue). A big thank you to David and Krista!!

More fun filter stuff in this issue as I admit to flaws in my last article addressing colour accuracy. It turns out that you can spend thousands of pounds on scanners and light boxes and they still don’t get anywhere near true daylight. So a complete retest was undertaken this last week and I’m glad we did as the results match a lot more closely with what I can see with my own eyes! This highlights to me just how hard doing accurate reviews of photographic equipment really is. I hope our attention to detail instils some confidence in our own reviews (including our willingness to admit foobars!).

Click here to download issue 171 (high quality, 177Mb)

Click here to download issue 171 (smaller download, 95Mb)

Tim Parkin

Content Issue One Hundred and Seventy One

Issue 171 PDF

Click here to download issue 171 (high quality, 177Mb) Click here to download issue 171 (smaller download, 95Mb) more


Graduated Filter Colour Accuracy Testing – Part Two

Sometimes you think you've got things so right and yet, when you look at the result, you realise that something has gone significantly wrong. In the last issue I published the results of a series of test on graduated filters, even though I had a few doubts about the results. more


End frame: “Trees in Gale” by Sir Wilfred Thesiger

Thesiger, a largely self-taught photographer, realised that he could bring to life the incredible scenery he witnessed and the peoples whose cultures he respected and cherished. more


Subscribers 4×4 Portfolios

This issue our 4x4 landscape photography portfolio feature is from subscribers: Ben Schreck, Jack B Turner, Nils Leonhardt & Simon Gulliver. more


Krista McCuish

For those that find the North truly magnetic, the idea of limitless wetlands and coastal areas where nature still holds sway may just make you a little envious. more


The Second Kind

What, then, are the things that second-kind photographers “gain by taking pictures they are interested in,” that are significant enough to warrant declining a prestigious job offer? more


A Shaded Path

The project was based on four months in Kyrgyzstan, highlighting the generational disparities between those nostalgic of the abolished USSR order and modern westernised youths born after the fall. more


Featured Photographer Revisited

Tim spoke to Lizzie Shepherd for our Featured Photographer spot back in March 2013. Looking through her website it’s clear that her image making has developed since the original interview more


Printing makes you a real photographer

My argument against printing is, in fact, not against printing at all. It is against everyone printing or feeling that must print. more


If No One Saw Your Photographs

Despite the flood of pictures we see on a daily basis, I still believe in a photograph’s ability to influence people’s behaviours and decisions. more

On Landscape is part of Landscape Media Limited , a company registered in England and Wales . Registered Number: 07120795. Registered Office: 1, Clarke Hall Farm, Aberford Road, WF1 4AL. Midge Specs, midge net glasses from the Highlands.