Emilie Crittin, Gaby Zak, Robert Hecht & Sanjeev Kumar Yadav

Emilie Crittin
Photographer based in Switzerland, my artistic approach is anchored in inner transition, the art of connectedness to oneself, to others (humans and more-than-humans), and to All Life. I live my photography practice as a spiritual, immersive, intuitive and mindful experience. My wish is for my photography to awaken the viewer’s imagination and sense of wonder, opening them to the magic and mystery of All Life. I mainly take pictures of the natural environment with which I have a deep bond, especially with mountains and with the mineral world.

Gaby Zak
I have had my work shown on tv as part of the BBC Weather Watchers and also published in different magazines such as; Amateur Photographer and Conker Nature. My favourite place to photograph is Dumfries and Galloway. You can find me on Instagram at @gzphoto_.

Robert Hecht
I’m a U.S. photographer, and the medium has been my primary creative outlet for well over fifty years now. I began as a landscape photographer and have explored other aspects of photography as well, but I always come back to the landscape. It is my greatest source of nourishment, peace and inspiration.

Sanjeev Kumar Yadav
I have been a Nature Photographer for the past 3 years, beginning as an wedding photographer while pursuing my Diploma in Photography. As my true passion lies in taking photos of Nature, Wildlife and People, I transitioned into Nature photography once I had completed my degree. I have spent most of the 2 years shooting weddings.
Welcome to our 4x4 feature, which is a set of four mini landscape photography portfolios which has been submitted for publishing. Each portfolio consists of four images related in some way. Whether that's location, a project, a theme or a story.
Submit Your 4x4 Portfolio
Interested in submitting your work? We are always keen to get submissions, so please do get in touch!
Do you have a project or article idea that you'd like to get published? Then drop us a line. We are always looking for articles.