About Tim Parkin

Amateur Photographer who plays with big cameras and film when in between digital photographs.

Issue 244 PDF

Issue 243 PDF

Natural Landscape Photography Awards

Issue 242 PDF

Issue 241 PDF

Issue 240 PDF

Conversations With Nature by Eric Bennett

Issue 239 PDF

Issue 238 PDF

Issue 237 PDF

Issue 236 PDF

Ideas Behind Reality in Photography

Issue 235 PDF

Joe Cornish – Fisherfield Forest, Scotland

Issue 234 PDF

Ideas Behind Reality in Photography

Issue 233 PDF

Issue 232 PDF

Issue 231 PDF

Issue 230 PDF

Judge or Be Judged

Ali Shokri

Issue 229 PDF

Issue 228 PDF

G Dan Mitchell

Issue 227 PDF

Lockdown Podcast #12

Issue 226 PDF

Issue 225 PDF

The Natural Landscape Photography Awards

Issue 224 PDF

Interview with Judy Sharrock

Lockdown Podcast #11

Issue 223 PDF

Tripod Spikes

Issue 222 PDF

Lockdown Podcast #10

Issue 221 PDF

Travel Tripod Review

Lockdown Podcast #9

Fragile by Colin Prior

Issue 220 PDF

History of Art and Landscape – Part Two

Simon Baxter

Issue 219 PDF

10 Years of On Landscape

Andy Holliman

Issue 218 PDF

William Neill – “Light on the Landscape”

Photographing gardens designed by Sir Humphry Repton

Issue 217 PDF

Issue 216 PDF

Niall Benvie’s Retrospective

Issue 215 PDF

History of Art and Landscape – Part One

Issue 214 PDF

Passing Through – Paul Gallagher & Michael Pilkington

Issue 213 PDF

Norðurland Exhibition

Issue 212 PDF

Robert Adams

Passing Through – Paul Gallagher

Frank Sirona

A Last Interview with Richard White

Issue 211 PDF

Edweard Muybridge

Lockdown Podcast #8

Issue 210 PDF

Eadweard Muybridge and the River of Shadows

Issue 209 PDF

Lockdown Podcast #7

Issue 208 PDF

Joe Cornish and Tim Parkin discuss Robert Adams and Beauty

Issue 207 PDF

Lockdown Podcast #6

Issue 206 PDF

Lockdown Project

Lockdown Podcast #5

Issue 205 PDF

A Pragmatic Approach to Colour Management

Lockdown Podcast #4

Issue 204 PDF

Lockdown Podcast #3

Survey Results

Passing Through – Andrew Tobin

Issue 203 PDF

Lockdown Podcast #2

Lockdown Podcast #1

Living a Visual Life

Issue 202 PDF

Photography for Local Campaigning

Passing Through – Mark Banks

Issue 201 PDF

Stu Levy

Issue 200 PDF

Passing Through – David Speight

8×10 film vs IQ4 150mp

Roundtable Discussion on the Environment for Landscape Photographers

Issue 199 PDF

Cooke PS945 & XVa Lenses